Wednesday, January 09, 2008

End Of The Line For Republican Mitt Romney?

By David

Hampered by back-to-back second place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, Mitt Romney is gradually inserting all attempts to secure a victory Tuesday in Michigan.

Viewed as a required state to emerge victorious in if he has any potential to contend with upstart candidates John McCain and Mike Huckabee, Romney has injected a plethora of his own fortune into ensuring that he wins the state that he grew up in and his father George governed from 1963 to 1969.

Methodical, tenacious,resourceful and polarized, Romney has struggled immensely in his ability to convince the Republican electorate that he's the authentic agent of change and optimism that voters are yearning for.

Continuous negative smear attacks and disheartening remarks about his competitors has drawn him decisively close to an abrupt exit as a viable contender and eventual nominee for his party.

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