Wednesday, May 28, 2008

WALL•E Trailer Includes Homage To Star Trek Original TV Series

If you watch this trailer for the upcoming -- as of this writing -- Pixar movie called "Wall-E" to the end, you will see our hero shooting himself through space using a fire hydrant and humming a tune. That tune is from Star Trek, The Original Series, second season eipsodes, and was featured in "The Doomsday Machine" as well as "The Ultimate Computer.

It goes DA-DA-DA-DAA DA-DA-DA-DE-DA, or something like that.

So there's a trivial bit of information you can wow your friends with.

Here's a video of re-mixed scenes from "The Ultimate Computer" where the music plays at 2:20 and various points, even though the clip jumps so much it's hard to get the full tune, but you can pick it up if you listen:


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