Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stan Winston - A Zeitgeist Signpost - Passes at 62

Wow, both Tim Russert and Stan Winston were signposts of the Zeitgeist. And now both are gone from Earth; Winston passed at the age of 62 on Sunday.

As much of a power in his field was Tim Russert, he was matched by Stan Winston's amazing achievements in special effects. I remember Winston's creatures in Jurrasic Park, as well as the famous video where Winston explained how he adjusted to the then-new technology of computer graphics that Director Steven Spielberg wanted to use.

Winston was responsible for the monsters we saw in movies like Alien, ET, and The Terminator. He also worked with Phil Tippet and invented the film technique of "Go Motion" animation.

The video below features Winston discussing the formation of the creatures in Jurrasic Park:

Winston was one of my favorites, and I will miss him. I may even watch Jurrasic Park in his honor this evening.

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