Tuesday, August 05, 2008

McCain "The One" Ad Focus Of Controversy, Petition

A group called "Matthew25" after a bible verse, is not happy with the "White Christian Male" John McCain. Here's why:

As Christians, we are deeply troubled by the John McCain campaign's latest ad entitled "The One.” This ad, which was released on the web last Friday, portrays Senator Obama as some kind of would-be Messiah and implies that those who support him are cultish followers looking for a new Savior.

Even more troubling, many view the ad as a dark attempt to portray Senator Obama as an anti-Christ figure. View the ad here.

This is the video:

This is the text of the petition:

Senator McCain,

As fellow Christians, we are deeply troubled by your campaign's latest ad entitled "The One,” which portrays Senator Obama as some kind of would-be Messiah and implies that those who support him are cultish followers looking for a new Savior.

We find it beyond offensive for you to piece together out-of-context video snippets to suggest that Senator Obama is a false Messiah or the anti-Christ, especially in light of Senator Obama’s open and humble confession of Christian faith.

Instead of seeking to inspire false fears, we would prefer you speak more positively about how your own faith would guide you in leading this country.

We trust that this desperate and insulting campaign tactic is not an indication of your true character, and we call on you to repudiate this ad and take it down immediately.


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