Saturday, August 09, 2008

Russia At War With Georgia Friday

While we were watching the gossip farm that is the Edwards / Hunter affair, Russia had the temerity to go and invade Georgia!

I wonder what the hell Putin and Russia are up to. They know that America is an ally of Georgia, and it's as if they're trying to pull us into a fight. But why? Why now? What's to gain from this action?

It's said that Russia must show dominance in the region. My take is that perhaps this is something we need to stay out of officially.


  1. wasnt russia only defending a breakaway province of South Ossetia?

    Georgia may of wanted to regain control but russia steped in..

    i think Georgia is at blame.
    also note that South Ossetia has a fair amount of oil under its grounds.

  2. locke i totally agree with you. the one who initiated the attack was Georgia. all of the world news are reporting that Russia is the one defending the separatist. only in the US is the news spinning it the other way around. there's also some information that US special forces and Israeli forces took part in the attack and is leading Georgian troops on the offensive. my gut is telling me that the US is trying to provoke Russia into an all out war. There is an agenda at play here.

  3. Anonymous4:02 AM

    It is no coincidence that over 1000 US Marines have been in Georgia recently training with the army. The conflict in South Ossetia appears to be initiated by US allies as a diversion to bog Russia down in this mess while a massive naval armada is assembled against Iran. A big war in the Middle East is imminent if the US and Israel follow their current course.
