Joining Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, George Will and other neanderthals on that "Powell-endorsed-because-he-and-Obama-are-both-black" bandwagon is, perhaps, an unlikely candidate: conservative commentator Armstrong Williams. From his piece on The Hill's blog:
But as much as I admire and respect him, Powell made the wrong choice yesterday.
Unless he’s changed his party affiliation, Gen. Powell is still a Republican,
and Sen. Obama is as liberal as they come. Just ask yourself this: If there were
a white liberal Democrat running for president against McCain, would Gen. Powell’s decision been any different? Would his announcement on "Meet the Press" been any less prominent? The point is it’s easy to get caught up in the potential significance of this election, and I think that’s what happened with
Gen. Powell. (emphasis mine)
I'd think that Mr. Williams would know better. By the by, in a video on his website (Oct 20 video commentary), Mr. Conservative Williams says he still hasn't decided whether he will vote for McCain or Obama. I'd think that with his criticism of Powell, he didn't leave himself much room.
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