Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Mysterious sweet syrup smell wafts over Manhattan again

More at NY Daily Newst: “It's back!
That sweet smell that wafted over the city a few years ago - described as maple syrup, French toast, pancakes and even coffee cake - is in the air again, officials said Tuesday.
The city's 311 system received about 35 calls Monday night from New Yorkers reporting the mysterious scent drifting through parts of upper Manhattan and Queens.
[DO YOU SMELL IT?  Tell us where you are in the city and where you're smelling it in the comments section below.]
"The maple scent was light," a reader with the screen name LuckyLady wrote on nydailynews.com. "While moving around my apartment ... the scent hit me again, only this time it was stronger."
The city Department of Environmental Protection sent inspectors to the areas to conduct air tests.
They confirmed the scent, but the source of the smell is still unknown, officials said.
Another Daily News reader initially thought the smell came from a pine tree.
"I noticed it, and it was strong enough to make me want to know what it was before I got to my corner when I left my apartment," the reader, Page One, wrote on the Web site.”

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