Monday, August 17, 2009

Meet The Press - The Health Care Debate

The nationwide debate on the future of America's health care system took center stage on Meet The Press Sunday. Host David Gregory was joined by former senator Tom Dashle, former representative Dick Armey, Republican Senator Tom Colbern of Oklahoma, and NSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Maddow more than held her own against the gray-beards but I've got to admit statements like other of Colbern made her work easy. The Oklahoma Republican ran off at the mouth saying that people who disrupted town hall meeting were justified because they were angry at their government. Then he brought up a bunch of garbage examples like earmarks and other factors he mumbled. What Colbern was doing was using "Meet The Press" as a playform for encouraging the people who go to these events to keep acting silly.

Yes, "silly."

Silly because many of the people captured on video have said our country's going to you-know-what and give reasons that have nothing to do with health care. One person said "it's all here" raising the Bible, and while I read the good book, I know when and where it applies; not here. And in another video in Arkansas a rather thin and wild-haired woman cries that she's wants her country back.

That was the dumbest comment I've heard in this whole episode. It caused some in the media to think she was talking about America having elected its first African American president, and caused me to recall Harriet Christian, the woman who called then-Senator Obama an "inadequate black male" after the Democratic Party's rules committee voted for Obama over then-Senator Hilary Clinton.


Personally, I wish we'd ignore those town hall meetings. The health care issue is much more complex than being presented.

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