Monday, October 05, 2009
David Letterman and Stephanie Birkitt v. Roman Polanski
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David Letterman
Stephanie Birkitt
v. Roman Polanski? Yes.
I created this vlog because I'd not talked about either David Letterman, Stephanie Birkitt, or Roman Polanski, and while some took those people and topics and split into conservative and liberal camps, to me, that's not the place for this. Republicans corner the market in political sex scandals, so there's nothing to talk about.
Let me preface what you're about to absorb with this statement: I've known
a lot of people
who were married and are married and have had affairs and relations with others in some cases also married and others not. I'm not married and I've not had an affair with a married woman. But flirting? A kissing session? Yeah. It's happened in the past (well, grad school) – not at work though.
And that's nothing. In New York, at one point in the 80s the the 90s, "wife-swapping" and "
" was a popular thing to do at parties and its still done today. Even
Oprah's talking about it
But I've seen this so often, especially in San Francisco and
New York
, and at Super Bowls, that it's like drinking water. And if you've ever worked on a political campaign, then you know the term "campaign sex" which is at times so common during the heat of a political season its almost sport. It's not a good thing to do, but I've stopped passing judgment. All of this has soured me on the idea of marriage at times, but I remain hopeful.
It's so common that for people to come out and jump all over David Letterman for his attempt at impersonating "Wilt" Chamberlain (who once bragged that he
shagged over 10,000 women
), is crazy. I'd bet $1,000 that some of the commenters of this vlog anywhere have done "a Letterman" after a moment of drinking and partying. In fact, the one who jumps and says "No I didn't," is probably the one who did.
David Letterman's really the victim here. He and his former aide Stephanie Birkitt are the victims of an apparently jealous, sexually frustrated, and broke man named Robert "Joe" Halderman, a producer of CBS' 48-hours. Halderman, who was dating Birkitt until earlier this year, had the nerve
to go through Birkitt's diary
after they broke-up , discover the notes about the affair, then go to Letterman and try to get him to pay $2 million in "hush money."
But to use his ex-girlfriend Stephanie Birkitt, by invading her privacy in that way, was and is just creepy. It's beyond that, it's just plain sick. New York's a big city; can't he find some Upper East Side coed model-type to date? Oh, and for those getting after Letterman about his "at work" affair, excuse me, both Halderman and Birkitt worked for CBS and were living together!
The real jerk isn't David Letterman, its Halderman and those who would say Letterman's image is tarnished from this, some of them guilty of the same behavior as he. David Letterman's no Roman Polanski.
David Letterman apologizes to his wife on the air
Polanski's an accomplished director, no question about it, but feeding drugs to a 13-year old girl and then raping her is beyond the pale, regardless of when it happened. Heck, he's was a Hollywood film director and he couldn't get laid by someone of legal age? Come on!
But it happened decades ago, and the main issue is the woman who was the victim then, is now the victim again because she wants the whole deal to go away and, yet, the media and the legal system seems bent on putting the spotlight on her even to the point of posting her photos. Why?
Is it because the people who want the case done are younger than 40? There's a generation gap fueling this discussion where people over 40 - including the victim - want this whole deal to go away, and those who are younger don't.
So, let me get this straight. Polanski's said he did it and he's guilty. A weird twist of legal issues make this not a slam dunk case and Polanski didn't get fully punished for his crime - he fled. But the bottom line is
the victim just wants to be left alone and for this all to go away. Why can't we just go by her wishes?
If someone is serious and cares about her, then do as she asks. Otherwise, if you want to push this for your own reasons, then you're just as bad in a way as Polanski because your victimizing her all over again. And no, I'm not going to use her name - no links. Leave her alone. Please.
So David Letterman and Stephanie Birkitt were "outed" by a jealous ex-boyfriend and the victim of the Roman Polanski case is "outed" after some time of silence by a media and legal system hungry for closure. In both cases, the people doing the outing are being selfish creeps, and should just plain leave them alone.
Of course, we know that's not going to happen.
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