Saturday, October 31, 2009

Michelle Malkin's "media justice" blog post just plain stupid

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Michelle Malkin - the female Asian blogger who pals around with White Supremacists - is known for sloppy, mean, anti-intellectual, and just plain stupid political blog posts and this from a really smart person, which is why I'm getting after her.

Michelle Malkin's new blog post on "The Media Justice Mob" gets the stupid award. Skipping over well-known liberal online publications like DailyKos or MediaMatters, or an organization like The Obama Administration, Malkin puts a spotlight on two website organizations,, and The Praxis Project, and writes that they are:

Marxist-inspired activists seeking to crack down on conservative political speech under the guise of combating “hate” and crusading for “diversity.”

And Michelle calls these two organizations a "mob"

A mob is defined as a crowd. This is not a crowd.

And what's wrong with diversity? C'mon, Michelle. Geez.

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