The group of us, Peter, Eric, and a person who's name I do not know, talked about it and agreed that Peter, as the owner, should make a defining statement and ask for the person who did it to identify his or her self.
Peter Van Kleef made the decision to go up and take time from the blues band that was playing to tell the patrons what was done and that "Cafe Van Kleef is not a place for that." While the sound did not carry well in the crowded bar, Peter's speech was loud enough for many to hear near the stage.
Peter asked for the person who wrote the slur to step forward; that person did not. But a number of people looked around at each other. Of the near capacity crowd of over 100 people, by my scan only four were African American, three Asian, and the rest largely white.
How did I feel? Sick. I just stood in the corner that I normally occupy when I visit Peter's establishment and wondered what kind of people were around me. I was really disappointed to see white patrons who just had white friends. That - to be really frank - is far more common than it is for people of color, even in Oakland. A person can't know who they are until they have friends who don't have their skin color. That's just a fact.
By that, I mean people they invite over to their house and talk to; not people they see at the gym or at work. I'm talking about real friends.
I walked over to the much more racially-mixed Luka's and talked to a friend of mine in law enforcement about what happened. He - who's black - shrugged and said "It's Van Kleef's", and seemed surprised that I was shocked about what happened.
Peter Van Kleef and his employees are fine people. But someone - some coward that may also be an Internet troll - in there felt comfortable enough to write a racial slur on the bathroom wallboard.
Speaking out against it was a welcome action on Peter Van Kleef's part and he's a good man and a friend of mine, but the damage was done. Racism is rising in Oakland.
Historically, Oakland has been a town known for its racial harmony. As far back as the 1960s, Oakland never had serious racial problems. And when the Watts riots broke out, it was feared by some that Oakland would be the next city to have a major conflict because of its large black population.
It never happened, and the shock that it did not, led the production of a classic book called Oakland's Not For Burning. But today, we have the death of Oscar Grant.
Oscar Grant
But Oakland's changing; last year some people of color thought Oakland was for burning in the wake of the Oscar Grant Murder, and that perception caused the riots that followed:
If you look at the most-segregated U.S. Metropo-
ReplyDeletelitan areas,there almost univerally low IQ places where whites were permitted to accrue wealth and privilege through inheritance,despite their intellectual deficiencies or in the Rust Belt,high-paying,low-skill jobs by family and neighbourhood connections to keep blacks frozen out of competition for these jobs/positions.
When black moved into once-proscribed areas,these white refused to stay and moved into other all-white regions in a vicious cycle which continues today and is buttressed by Tea Baggers' and other racists' using coed phrases such as "forced integration" to describe integration and/or de-segregation.