Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Michael Jordan and Paris Hilton share a birthday

Would you believe that Michael Jordan and Paris Hilton share a birthday today? Yes. On his birthday, Michael Jordan turns 47, whereas Paris Hilton turns 29.

While Michael Jordan is enjoying the great retired life afforded by his amazing NBA Basketball career, Paris Hilton is enjoying a resurgence of sorts, after her celebrated DUI arrest of several years ago. Paris was the inspiration for my classroom simulation game called "Buffi The Gym Girl" where your job is to make Buffy, the fussy , glamorous celebrity, happy...

But "Buffi The Gym Girl" aside, Paris Hilton is the perfect model for anyone who's thinking of developing their personal brand. Paris is known for being famous, knowing the best parties, wearing the latest fashions, and having only the best of everything.

Michael Jordan is known for classy excellence on and now off the basketball court. Hmm.... Michael Jordan 47, and Paris Hilton 29; the perfect age gap.

Happy Birthday to both.

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