It kicked off a reader-sparked comment controversy on, and took off from there.
The controversy has gotten so deep, Big Machine Records CEO Scott Borchetta, who's label features Taylor Swift, jumped in, saying "This is not 'American Idol.' ... This is about a true artist and writer and communicator. It's not about that technically perfect performance."
Well, that got American Idol Star Kelly Clarkson really pissed off. On her blog, Clarkson writes:
Wow .....Dear Scott Borchetta,
I understand defending your artist obviously because I have done the same in the past for artists I like, including Taylor, so you might see why it's upsetting to read you attacking American Idol for producing simply vocalists that hit 'the high notes'. Thank you for that 'Captain Obvious' sense of humor because you know what, we not only hit the high notes, you forgot to mention we generally hit the 'right' notes as well. Every artist has a bad performance or two and that is understandable, but throwing blame will not make the situation at hand any better. I have been criticized left and right for having shaky performances before (and they were shaky) and what my manager or label executives say to me and the public is "I'll kick butt next time" or "every performance isn't going to be perfect" ......I bring this up because you should take a lesson from these people and instead of lashing out at other artists (that in your 'humble' opinion lack true artistry), you should simply take a breath and realize that sometimes things won't go according to plan or work out and that's okay.
One of those contestants from American Idol who only made it because of her high notes ;)
Here's the performance that's caused so much chatter:
Taylor Swift is such a great artist. she came to make history =