And AMPAS Executive Director stepped in to clean up the public relations mess caused when AMPAS' communications head Leslie Unger used the unfortunate words "there are people who just can't be" on Monday.
Davis used words that were easier to digest than those uttered by Unger, but the damage, and the ill-feelings, are apparent and active. While Bruce Davis stands by the decision made to not include Farrah Fawcett, his words were apologetic in tone:
"There's nothing you can say to people, particularly to family members, within a day or two of the show that helps at all. They tend to be surprised and hurt, and we understand that and we're sorry for it."
AMPAS is also feeling the heat for leaving out legendary actors Gene Barry, Ricardo Montalban, Bea Arthur, and Ed McMahon. But the omission of Farrah Fawcett, reportedly a 40-year Academy member, is causing the biggest stir. Because of Twitter, the media chatter's amplified. Here's three of thousands of tweets on the matter..
miszjazzy90 so the academy issued the most backhanded apology for not including farrah fawcett in the memorium. shut up academy you kno you screwed up!
11 minutes ago from web
CamilaSolivier Sentimos falta: Academia se desculpa por ausência de Farrah Fawcett em homenagem do Oscar #folhaonline
12 minutes ago from web
ElleQCasting Academy Director Explains Farrah Fawcett 'In Memoriam' Omission: The Academy explains why Farrah Fawcett was snub...
12 minutes ago from web
Perhaps Bruce Davis' words will cause Farrahgate to die down.
Stay tuned.
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