Monday, April 19, 2010

Volcano eruption in Iceland: 64,000 flights cancelled

The latest news in the Volcano eruption in Iceland reports that according to Russia Today, 64,000 european and International flights were cancelled since the Volcano called Eyjafjallajoekull (Aside: someone tweeted that whoever named this volcano must have fallen asleep on the keyboard!) erupted April 14th.

Now, even with the news of the flight cancellations and reports of new eruptions, some airline official are convinced that they can resume normal service after conducting successful test flights. They say that with the exception of Iceland, European air space is safe. This while the new eruption is reported to have sent a new ash cloud toward Britain.

This effort is being pushed by the British Transport Secretary Andrew Adonis, who said "I wish to establish, as a matter of urgency, whether some safe flight paths can be identified and opened up to flights."

The urgency is due to the Worldwide economic loss, estimated at growing to a potential one percent to two percent of European Gross Domestic Product.

But this blogger thinks the economic loss is one the World should bear if it means saving lives. The weather is unpredictable enough as it is with the existence of the giant ash clouds. All it takes is one fatal air flight to prove that it's dangerous, but why temp such a possible fate?

Stay tuned.

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