Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Beau Biden, son of VP Joe Biden, recovering after stroke

Those who watched and especially those who attended the 2008 Democratic National Convention will remember Beau Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, and who introduced him with a rousing speech at the DNC Convention, then joined his father on stage. Beau, the Attorney General of Delaware, fell victim to what was called a mild stroke on Tuesday and was rushed to a Delaware hospital.

Biden was transfered to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.   He's reportedly recovering well and in good sprits.

Beau Biden is just 41 years old and comes from a family that has what ABC News calls a "long history" of vascular problems, giving rise to the question "What is a stroke?"

A stroke is a interruption of blood supply to any part of the brain.  The best daily way to prevent a stroke is via diet and exercise, but heredity is hard to overcome. Beau Biden did not have the problem of weight but of heredity.

Still, taking at least one aspirin a day is a great step both on the path of recovery from a stroke and prevention according to The American Heart Association.

Here's to a speedy recovery for Beau Biden.

Stay tuned.

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