Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ecuador, Peru boarder oil spill pollutes Marañon river

While the BP Gulf Oil Spill problem continues in the United States, and non-goverment organizations like Amazon Watch fail to point to similar problems in Ecuador while claiming to have concern for Ecuadorians and a desire to sue American Chevron that does not do business in the region, an oil spill took place on the Ecuador, Peru boarder, polluting the Marañon river.

According to's Isabel Guerra, the spill happened as oil was transported on a ship called the Sanam III, that had been hired by Pluspetrol, the largest oil and gas producer in Peru, and the fourth largest organization in Latin America.

Guerra writes:

The spill was first reported by residents in Parinari, three hours away from Nauta.

Officials from Pluspetrol told RPP Radio that they have started the contingency and monitoring plan, and the spill is currently under control.

Local residents told the press that this spill affecting the wildlife and their own lives, too.

While the spill is on the Ecuador boarder, there's no word if the country will assist in clean-up efforts.

Stay tuned.

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