Friday, July 02, 2010

Mel Gibson's racist comments rant; Gibson uses the N-word to Oksana

Blacks and Jews look out! Here comes Mel Gibson!
The mountain of race hate that the billionaire actor Mel Gibson appears to be now, has erupted again, this time against Blacks; Mel uses the N-word. (When will this expression of mental illness ever end?). Like a volcano, Mel Gibson is apparently good for one public airing of his racist blasts every four years.

The last one was in 2006 and against Jews while he was drunk and during a DUI stop. At that time, Gibson went, as Peter Sellers said in Dr. Strangelove, "a little nutty. Just a little nutty," and said "F--king Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."

This time Mel Gibson hit the nutometer again, this time the revelation of his ugly words came during the equally ugly custody battle with his girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, who's the mother of his daughter Lucia. According to, Gibson was caught on tape saying Y"ou look like a f--king pig in heat and if you get raped by a pack of ni--ers it will be your fault." has been all over the Mel Gibson / Oksana Grigorieva custody case, so I will not attempt to repeat their work here. But even without the actual tape, word of Mel Gibson's blast is making it's way around the Internet. blogger Suzannah Troy said "This is not new behavior from liar, adulterer, anti-semite, racist Mel Gibson but finally exposed by a gold digger who finally did one good deed and it wasn't because she was selfless but she finally exposed Mel Gibson's inner Nazi."

Ouch. But it's hard to disagree with Suzannah Troy's essential point, which is that Gibson's got a problem. Someone should ask film pal Danny Glover what he thinks of Mel Gibson's blasts! And as a note, Celeb Jihad's just having fun with Mel's rant; it's not true.

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