Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SB 1070: Arizona's illegal immigrant law so psychotic it was blocked

When Arizona Governor Janet Brewer signed the obviously racist (and there's that word again) illegal immigrant law formally called SB 1070 into law, it was called "psychotic" in this space.

Obviously U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton agrees because she blocked the key provisions of SB 1070 that made it an open door to allow racist, yet legal, stops of ordinary Arizona citizens who might look like they were illegal immigrants to the police officer. In other words, if you're blonde, and especially female, you not likely to be a target.

Judge Bolton prevented Arizona law officers from making warrantless arrests of suspected illegal immigrants for crimes that could cause deportation. Bolton also issued a preliminary injunction that delayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers and banned illegal immigrants from seeking employment in public places.

This is a huge development, worthly of several blog posts.

Stay tuned.

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