Friday, August 27, 2010

Democrats cannot seem to cash in on Republican bumbling

Even though the GOP has no vision for the good of America, the Democrats cannot seem to cash in on Republican bumbling. The high road taken by the Obama administration, to reach across the isle and work with GOP members, was met with a hearty slap in the face time and again over the past 18 months.

It seems the only thing Republicans can think about these days is extending the Bush era tax cuts. Will keeping these tax cuts in place really create jobs? Well they have had 10 years to test this theory and the answer is a resounding NO!

Lets look at ‘Plan B’ from the Republicans: repeal just about every piece of legislation passed to date during the Obama administration. What a waste of time. If there ever was a time in our history we needed true leadership, it is now.

The unemployment crisis is only deepening, growth of the economy is nearly flat, foreclosures are at an all time high and our leaders refuse to do anything to correct the situation.

With the Senate’s inability to get the business of America done, due to unprecedented filibustering, Obama’s hands are tied. People are angry and anger often works against the party in power at the ballot box.

The Democrats simply must educate the American voters about the truth of the matter of who is really to blame for the mess in America today. The four letter, one word answer: Bush.

The Obama administration has had an unending stream of emergency situations to deal since January 2009. Most of these are a direct result of the failed Bush policies, deregulation and 2 unfunded wars raging overseas. Meanwhile, the country has been falling apart, anger is mounting and most states are in severe financial trouble.

The flow of tax revenue, what states rely on to do business, has been choked off due to the foreclosure situation. We cannot ever hope to resolve the deficit problem unless the unemployment crisis is resolved. People have no money to spend, so our consumer based economy is crumbling. Those with the money and thus the power to help stop this downward spiral are holding on to trillions, in an attempt to make it look like the Democrats and President Obama are to blame.

I pray that Americans are smarter than the Republicans give us credit for in deciphering what is what, so those responsible for America’s economic woes don’t fool the voters into making an epic mistake this November. While Democrats cannot seem to cash in on Republican bumbling, perhaps the American voter will see through the GOP smoke screen and save our great country from disaster.

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