Saturday, August 21, 2010

Oakland Mayor's Race: Lawyers Forum Sept 10th; EBYD Website Fix Needed

EBYD.  Greg Harrland's running...
Yep. Another forum is coming up for the Oakland Mayor's Race. It's the Alameda County Democratic Lawyers Club Forum on September 10th. Held at Everett and Jones Restaurant in Jack London Square at 12 Noon that day, every mayoral candidate has been invited to what's both a forum and an endorsement meeting.

East Bay Young Democrats (EBYD) Behind Current Events

On its website on the Oakland Mayor's Race, the East Bay Young Democrats explain that "there are three main contenders for the cities top position, and goes on to mention Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, Former Senator Don Perata, and Councilmember Jean Quan, and that's it. The web page was created before the June 10th mayoral forum at First Unitarian Church and never updated.

Here's an assist.

There are 10 candidates for Mayor of Oakland: Terrance Candell, Arnold Fields, Greg Harland, Marcie Hodge, Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, Don Macleay, Don Macleay, Councilmember Jean Quan, Joe Tuman, and Larry Lionel Young Jr.

This points to a still nasty, but really fun-to-fight tendency of at least two East Bay Political Reporters to favor just the three candidates and express a desire to ignore the rest. How this blogger know this will not be revealed. But let's just say a lot of people share a lot of things.

Oakland Mayor's Race candidates be warned: the mainstream media doesn't want to make the playing field a level one. That means you're going to have to approach the media, and not wait for them to call you. Chances are you'll be waiting until hell freezes over.

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