Friday, September 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Fails Drug Test? TMZ vs. Lindsay Lohan Sources

About 39 minutes ago, reported and echoed that Actress Lindsay Lohan failed a drug test given last week.

This blogger wrote:

According to, sadly, Actress Linday Lohan reportedly failed her drug test. The test occurred last week and according to the terms of Linday Lohan's probation she will get 30 days in jail.

Really, will that help? This blogger's starting to form the view that this attempt to control Linday Lohan's actions is silly. It's obviously not going to help her. But what's also interesting to know is what she tested positive for?

There's no court date set, and reports that Lindsay's office was notified.

Lohan Under A Hard Test

Lindsay Lohan was under a hard, breast-breaker of a test given by Judge Elden Fox, who replaced Judge Marsha Revel. The new rules called for her to remain in California until November 1st, take psychiatric treatment at least four times a week, and attend addiction meetings at least five times a week as part of a 12-step program, contact her counsellor at least seven times a week, and attend behavioural therapy twice a week, and submit to random drug testing twice a week.

Now, a TMZ update has it that other Lindsay Lohan sources say that's wrong.'s standing by its story. Personally, here's hoping's wrong.

Stay tuned.

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