Monday, October 18, 2010

Filipino American history month

In the United States the month of October is Filipino American history month.

According to the Asian American Press online in November 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously approved House Resolution 780 "Recognizing Filipino American History Month in October.”

"The resolution was in recognition of the centuries-old presence of Filipinos in the United States, of the enduring friendship and cooperation of Filipinos and Americans, of the significant contributions of Filipinos to American society whether in the healthcare system, in the arts, in science, technology and other fields. It was also to recognize the need to continuously document the history of Filipino immigrants in the United States."

The month is a time for the Filipino culture within America and the Filipino Americans to be recognized for the historic and current contributions to America.

Since Filipino American history month was only passed in October 2009 it is not widely recognized, but hopefully it will be recognized in the same way that February is known as "Black History Month."

Written by Nikky Raney (Filipino)
Blogger & Journalist

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