Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jay Rosen Explains Fox News, Blondes, While On Drunk Scotch Rant

While this blogger was out Friday night celebrating Cal Stanford Big Game week and the game that was to be played Saturday, NYU Professor Jay Rosen was making this video explaining Fox News, while drinking scotch-on-the-rocks.

Jay's too close to the camera and talks for 14 minutes, but is worth listening to, nonetheless. You just have to get over the obvious, which is that Jay's had a few drinks. Still, it's a pretty interesting way to do a serious video: tipsy. He admits this in a way, by stating that his views are not "coherent" in their presentation, but "related."

That's a cool way of saying "I'm about to go on a drunken rant."

Professor Rosen claims that Fox News isn't a news channel because nothing really ever changes in terms of the way the content is presented. Rosen says that Fox News is "resentment news" where Bill O'Reilly represents the "genre of resentment news" and that "comes naturally" because he was looked down on at Inside Edition, but overcame that.

Rosen says all Bill has to do is tap into his emotions from that time. Of course, this is a lot of bullshit, but it sounds good and provides food for thought.

Rosen claims that Fox News taps into the age-old desire to topple the cultural elite and points to Richard Hofstaeder ' book, The Paranoid Style In American Politics, as the intellectual source for his view.  In that book, Richard writes:

I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.

Jay's point is Fox News content is based on "exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy."

Blondes Are Key To Fox News

But later in the video, Jay takes a scotch-aided right turn and on the matter of the entertainment component in news says "This is why Fox is distinguished by its blondes. Blondes are really important for understanding the formula at Fox."

He forgot the legs and short skirts on Fox News, too:

Jay could have done this video in three or four minutes, tops. But it's Friday night and he's at home.

Getting roasted on scotch!

1 comment:

  1. He is deteriorating - washed up. The contents of his character has always left much to be desired. Rosen was a newspaper editor in college. He used the school newspaper - tried to - destroy people he didn't like, sort of a mini-J. Edgar Hoover. Vicious. Were you to look at his Editor - in Chiefdom work you would be sickened. He never talks about that stuff.
