This Thanksgiving will be no feast for unemployed Americans, as the UI extension was defeated today in Congress.
The US House of Representatives attempted to pass a three-month extension of expiring unemployment benefits, which would have continued checks through Feb. 28, 2011. HR 6419 was called under suspension of the rules, attempting to avoid any motion to recommit, which Republicans could bring in order to prevent moving the bill further. HR 6419 failed by a vote of 258-154, because it’s submission under suspension of the rules requires a two thirds vote to pass.
HR 6419 did not have any provision for additional benefits (Tier 5). The bill only would have extended the filing dates for tiers of benefits enacted prior to last fall.
The 99ers (unlike the Democrats) do not intend to go down without a fight. Unemployed Americans are taking to the streets to bring attention to the fact that the cruel, heartless extermination of 5 million Americans is unacceptable.
This Saturday, November 20, 2010 there will be a “Breadline Protest” in NYC - to hopefully bring attention to the desperation 99ers across the Nation are experiencing daily, after 8 months without UI benefits. See the flyer at this link: FlashMobs4JOBS
The flyer text reads:
Please join the 99ers, other members of the unemployed, their friends, family and supporters, in recreating a 1930's "breadline" on Saturday, November 20th. We need to bring home the fact that the unemployed have been jobless and without benefits for far too long – and are starving.
We will be lining up in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, at 33 Liberty Street, in Manhattan, beginning at 11:30 am. Please wear black or dark clothes. Hats, flat caps, scarves and shawls are fine, but no white or bright colors. This is to be a somber event. We will recreate the image from the Great Depression – because we believe this is the Great Depression II, not the Great Recession! Congress and the country have ignored us for too long. On the Saturday before the Thanksgiving holiday we will be invisible no more! The media will be in attendance. We need to have as many people in the line as we can get, so please reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and members of your house of worship, to join you. We will be picking up stale loaves, as props, during the week before the event. However, if you can get loaves from stores and bakeries that discard them at closing, each night, please bring them.
In Philadelphia, P.U.P. (Philadelphia Unemployment Project) will be holding a Vigil for the Unemployed - Monday, November 22, 2010 - 12 Noon at the Arch Street Methodist Church (between Broad and Arch Streets)
From their Website: PUP Without an extension millions will exhaust their benefits during the holiday season and many millions more in the months ahead. Please join us in a vigil for unemployed Americans to call for continuation of the EUC program until unemployment comes down and jobs are available.
Rhode Island: NY/NJ area 99ers – joined by supporters, and the unemployed who are still receiving unemployment insurance (UI) – will hold a rally at Providence City Hall to demand that Congress, in the upcoming lame duck session, do their job for the American people and immediately pass The Americans Want to Work Act (S.3706), as well as re-authorize the unemployment extensions set to expire on November 30th for those currently receiving benefits. Their situation is desperate and they continue to be ignored by elected leaders.
Rhonda Taylor, organizer of the event and long time tireless advocate for the 99ers plans to bring her children to the event.
“My oldest who is 20 will be coming too, but I am going with my 3, 4, and 9 year olds since if help doesn’t come soon we won’t be together any longer by Christmas time.”
There are rallies and “Breadline Protests” being planned in Washington State, Colorado and San Diego, CA to name a few.
After HR 6419 failed today in the House, Rep. McDermott (D-WA) appeared on the Ed Show on MSNBC where Ed told him how angry the 99ers are at him for not helping with their coveted Tier 5. See the interview here:
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The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write and can afford to do so - please donate to the cause. I thank you!
great piece. you said it all. thank you.
ReplyDeleteHobo Stew (Mulligan Stew) for Thanksgiving - You Betcha
ReplyDeleteNo better time to get your HOBO UP game down!
This improvised dish was the main stay of the American Hobo camps. Mulligan Stew first appeared in print in The Yukon Midnight Sun in 1904.
This holiday season, expect congress to depart without passing any unemployment tier extensions. They expire on November 30th as we all know. The Tea Party GOP says no more extensions unless there is a balance budget. The GOP will wait until 2011 so they can really turn the screws and launch the next hobo generation of 5 million.
Test your Hobo Up skill set!
campfire (Foil Dinner) over coals adding in leftovers
•Build fire with wood
•Clean potatoes and slice potatoes
•Clean and peel carrots
•dice onions and peppers into about ¼" pieces
•Spread butter on foil
•Crumble ground beef into small pieces and spread out above potatoes
•add in leftovers
•Sprinkle seasoning
Artist 99er Country Carl - hopefully you too won't have to HOBO UP!
Check out the 99er New Depression Blues Video - youtube
Good work! Your post is an excellent example of why I keep comming back to read your excellent quality content that is forever updated.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Nikon glasses
i think they want to let all benefits stop to see how bad it really gets.they no public opinion will change very quickly when they start seeing soup kitchens and homeless shelters filled to overflowing thats no way to win 2yrs from now and they know it by the way any one notice how fox news refuses to even say the word unemployed let alone report on the pain the unemployed are going through
ReplyDeleteAsk Ed to have me on his show...I need to win the 6 year US Senate seat and do things for the people of New York and this country that corporately-run Senator Gillibrand WILL NEVER DO. You may not agree with every single thing I stand for, but I am a reality candidate not a pandering one. I am a health care provider who runs his practice so that people who can't afford to go to the fancy-shmancy places have a place to go. There is a balance between fiscal responsibility and social progressiveness. Ask Gillibrand why she didn't WRITE (not lamo support as she usually does on almost all issues) a bill to fund Broadband for all of rural America. Talk abnout stimulation for small businesses to start!!! Go to my website...my donation tab will be up and running in the next week.
Email me on issues and i'll email as many as possible back..Get Ed to have me on as a guest...flood his blog...this is the only way for Grassroots Democrats like myself to get a foot in the door.
@Hobo Galley
ReplyDeleteWho can afford ground beef??????
The protection of the people most severely hit by the crisis should become one of the top priorities of every government. However, the attitude of the US government proves that priorities are not created equal and the authorities are not paying enough attention to the effect of the crisis on the lives of the unemployed.
ReplyDeleteStocking up with ramen noodlesfor past few months, but I am ashamed but I've resorted to stealing groceriesfor my family. Ashamed but I will continue to do so...for my family. I look at the children that didn't do anything wrong but now are starved like homless, eating noodles everyday. What happened? Our elected people in government we trust to take care of us because we are the mighty united states of america right? I mean were all hared workers, we allow the gov to take chunks out of our paychecks with the understanding that though we take home less money, its for our own good....just incase we can. O longer work or are laid off. In case of unemployment..right. the government has effected so many families changed their lives! No sense of urgency in congress, oh well continue after or vacation, bet just vote after independence day or thanks giving, those veterans who served and prote ted us and all the hardworking amaericans are without checks but its the dens fault or the repubs fault. Well postpone and vote after we had Vacation. After we suffer for their mistakes, instead of trying to fix or help us....they have the nerve to say, "AMERICANS ARE GETTING LAZY! EXTENDING BENIFITS MAKE US NOT WANT TO LOOK FOR WORK? THE AMERICANS COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT SHOULD ALL BE TESTED FOR DRUGS? How did we all become criminals.? How dare they pass judgment on us. WE WERE FINE UPSTANDING CITIZENS BEFORE NOW THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS CAUSED THIS TURMOIL IN THE ECONOMY now were losing our houses, cars and using up our life savings! So I am a theif....I fear by next year ill be worse! I pray for all out there who are at the borderline to hack.v to. Do as I, hang in there...don't get to wherein at....
ReplyDeleteGood luck, God bless america.