Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unstoppable is a Fox News Endorsement

The movie Unstoppable staring Denzel Washington, Chris Pine and Rosario Dawson is boring. Yes, the movie drags on too long and is too predictable. The plot is basically about a train that has no conductor and needs to be stopped.

Meanwhile the new source covering this entire story is Fox News. That's right, the entire movie is basically an ad for Fox News and how Fox News has all this breaking and live coverage and for once it isn't bias. It's like a great big advertisement for Fox News, and all the channel showed was this entire plane fiasco.

There were mini stories with the characters going on, but it was all about how to stop this train and Fox News was able to capture all of this breaking coverage. It was very accurate in depicting Fox News and its sensationalism and intensifying the situation with the lingo used in order to explain the situations.

This judgement of the movie is not based solely on the fact that it seems to be all about Fox News, but the movie in general just isn't very good.

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