Friday, December 17, 2010

UNEMPLOYMENT NEWS: A 99er Christmas Reality Check - NO Hyperbole

With all the misconceptions today on the unemployment news, this is a 99er reality check. No frills, no whining and most of all no hyperbole - I leave that to Washington.

Today The Obama “Bend Over” became law, making it an official eternal and undeniable truth that our President and the majority of Congress care more about Rich Americans - even the Dead ones - than they do about hurting, living but soon to be dead impoverished Americans. Basically the Unemployed got scrooged!!!!

More about this terrible tax extension bill in tomorrow's blog articles, but today I wanted to convey this travesty from one 99ers' perspective - My own!

You see, I happen to be one of the very luckiest of the long term unemployed. I have a great family who has helped me survive this wilderness. Unfortunately their coffers have greatly dwindled because my need has been so great -- especially this year when my UI ended in March. I have made it a full time job for the past 2 years plus looking to land a job (good or otherwise) and at the same time dedicate an additional 55 hours per week to advocating for the 99ers.

I cannot afford a nice Christmas dinner or even a tree for this the 3rd Christmas in a row - but I am most fortunate to still be here at all - after brain surgery, being run over by a drunk truck driver and a host of other maladies in the recent years. God must certainly have a plan for me and I am content to abide in an attitude of profound gratitude.

You see I refuse to allow 536 jerks in Washington DC to dictate my happiness. God keeps me going even when things look their darkest. The method (My sister, benefactor, UI benefits) are all just the conduit through which the good Lord provides me sustenance, sort of like Manna from Heaven in the good book.

Still I do long for the days when I could buy just the right little something nice for all the people in my life. I often fantasize about winning the lotto and just how many people I could bless with that money. I remember when my Holiday decorations were the talk of the block in my neighborhood and I could give a $10 bill in a small bible to every homeless person I met with a sign on the streets that said "Please Help!"

99er Reality Check 2010

This is the extent of my christmas decorations this year and last year as well:

It may not be elaborate but with this and a manger scene, I manage to remind myself daily the joy and true meaning of this season.

My family all live very far away but we are close despite the miles that separate us geographically. They understand that family, kindness to all, a good heart and a great sense of humor are the keys to a life of victory - no matter your humble (even dire) circumstances.

The joy of this season will NOT be spoiled by the fact My government is populated by heartless cretins and complete, mindless idiots like Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) who went on Fox News this week with host Greta Van Susteren and falsely claimed Jobless Benefits Last ‘Well Over 100 Weeks’ - with the passage of the tax bill extension for the rich.

My rebuttal to Hatch and morons like him is put to rhyme in the video below.

Yes I am blessed, as earlier this month it looked as though I was losing what little I had left, when out of the blue a benefactor came forward to actually pay me a modest stipend over the next 6 months to keep fighting for the 99ers. GOD bless you!!!

Now, FINALLY for the first time in nearly a year -- not every waking moment of my life is filled with the terror of wondering how I am going to survive yet another month of futile job search. (and I will not be bleeding my relatives dry anymore either -UGH the guilt!) That guilt is now turned into relief and fortitude to continue to fight for those not as fortunate as I am now.

One of those I am desperately trying to find help for is a 99er named Debbie S. who was recently featured on CNN Money Reports, who will be homeless again before Christmas. Any donations that are made to my website Jobless Unite will go directly to help this NYC woman.

Yes I am just 1 poor 99er myself, but I am willing to help in any way I can. It is in being a blessing to our neighbors in need that we make our world a better place. A concept much too complicated for Congress and even our President too understand and fully grasp -- it would seem.

So here is the 99ers Christmas video. It really says it all and in rhyme!! Enjoy!

[Please use the donation button below to help Paladinette to KEEP FIGHTING for the 99ers! Thank you. All donations placed here will go directly to Debbie S. above - God will bless you greatly for your simple acts of generosity]


  1. Debbie8:25 PM

    Merry Christmas back to you Donalee. (As merry as you can possibly have.) Thank you for continuing to fight for the 99ers and I will continue also. Although I have been "fortunate" enough to find 1 part-time (in May) & 1 "partial" time job (in June) that are barely paying my basic bills, I was still a 99er from March to April this year and I know what 99ers are going through. It is very scary, especially when you have no family that can or are able to help you. God bless! Deborah

  2. Thank You Deborah!! Why is it that our GREAT President (and I am sincere in calling him such) Mr. Obama did not employ the triage philosophy and make sure the unemployed bleeding to death got help too rather than just the jobless with broken bones?

    The Republi-PIGS may have twisted his arm but he could have stood strong - after all did you see how many unfunded $Billion$ in earmarks were in what he signed? That alone could have saved millions of 99ers. I am very saddened by this law going through and now Obama owns the consequences.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Im truly sorry for that devastating accident..Im assuming the skumbag that hit you took off and was never found or was uninsured cuz that seems lie a huge settlement not thats worth what you went through but i admire your great attitude and ppl with attitudes like that are destined for great things you truly have inspired me in these trying times, your a godsend GODBLESS!!

  4. To Anonymous - Yes he was uninsured and left me $60K in debt! OUCH - But He did not hit & Run me. He went to jail for 3 months waiting for trial - then pled out and I asked the judge not to send him to Prison for 2 years rather to pay me restitution & allow me to make my victim's impact statement.

    Judge awarded me $150.00 per month for like 35 years - BUT in the 2 years since it happened I have seen maybe a TOTAL of $1100.00...still I was able to face him and make my statement.

    I let him know what I had gone through because he chose to be drunk to the point of Blood alcohol of 0.28 at 10:30 in the morning! I let him know that i was angry with him for what he had done & putting me in so much debt to boot - but that I forgive him and just pray he never makes the bad choice again EVER to drink & Drive.

    I honestly hope he is doing well now but do not know what is going on in his life.

    Thank you for your kind words. It never ceases to amaze me how inspired I get by the kindness others show me. If I have helped anyone with what I have done or continue to do on behalf of the unemployed - that is frosting on top of the cake!

    God bless you and all of us who are going through these "trying times" as you put it!
