Painfully aware of the inexcusable violence which shattered Tucson, Az last Saturday - 99ers dine in dumpsters on a daily basis. What does one have to do with the other? Both are sad, senseless, cruel and avoidable testaments of the new American reality.
When I first heard of the the tragedy involving Congresswoman Gifford and others, I placed on my Facebook page a message to this effect: “And so it begins, I am afraid it may become open season on members of Congress and though I cannot condone such actions, Congress has done this to themselves (made themselves targets of the severely ‘good sense - challenged’) and I will save my pity for the 99ers who are dying every day."
Some were very offended by my remarks. Although I can see how some might feel my remarks were cold, nothing could be farther from the truth. Anyone who knows me is already painfully aware of what a complete bleeding heard “mush” I am about suffering on any level. What happened to those people is pure evil, an obscenity and cannot be tolerated by decent members of any society. BUT neither should what is happening during most of the past year to the 99er Nation.
Why does it take only senseless violence to get the attention of all media, politicians and the world? Watching how this gets the immediate and full focus from everyone is in itself quite dangerous, as 99ers across this country have been pushed to the breaking point. Though many have pawned or even sold their guns long ago for food money, many like me have not.
I pray that it does not take another senseless gun related tragedy - this time involving members of the 99er Nation to make Obama finally publicly say those words we have been waiting to hear for so long come from his lips “99ers” ...Oh but wait....we have had MANY 99er and gun related tragic occurrences over the past 10 months already and still the closest the 99er Nation ever had gotten to being on the lips of the President in public is via Robert Gibbs. Then again none of those cases involved members of Congress...do you see where I am going here?
Updated info on the attack:
The gunman allegedly responsible for Saturday's mass shooting, 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner, appeared in court and was charged with two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to kill a member of Congress by federal prosecutors. He could get a death sentence. State charges could be filed, too. His next hearing is January 24.
Must see Videos:
YouTube’s ConcernedinKY released another 2 videos in the past few days that deal with the tragedy of both situations. Subscribe to their channel - it is free! “Let it Begin Here” is a tribute to the fallen from last Saturday and bring your tissue to view this one and please do not miss the “99ers, Taking Care of Business” below .
ABC NEWS asked the question: (Are There) Lessons to Be Drawn? from this terrible situation.
Watch this then decide for yourselves....Why would the 99ers give up all this great poverty for a job? Right? Whatever GOPigs!
Updated info on the attack:
The gunman allegedly responsible for Saturday's mass shooting, 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner, appeared in court and was charged with two counts of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of attempting to kill a member of Congress by federal prosecutors. He could get a death sentence. State charges could be filed, too. His next hearing is January 24.
Must see Videos:
YouTube’s ConcernedinKY released another 2 videos in the past few days that deal with the tragedy of both situations. Subscribe to their channel - it is free! “Let it Begin Here” is a tribute to the fallen from last Saturday and bring your tissue to view this one and please do not miss the “99ers, Taking Care of Business” below .
ABC NEWS asked the question: (Are There) Lessons to Be Drawn? from this terrible situation.
“The shooting massacre in Tucson on Saturday has launched a raft of questions. There is a pervasive sense that the killings are linked to a broader problem with society, with some calling for tighter restrictions on guns, and others calling for a more civil political discourse. So tonight we ask you: Are there lessons to be drawn from attack? Or does the killer represent an anomaly--whose behavior is meaningless beyond the confines of his own lost soul?”
Some of the comments there are quite thought provoking and I find myself in agreement with many of them.
One such comment:
It is a narrow tale of a lone madman. To try to politicize it is inappropriate. Thoughts and prayers should be with the victims and their loved ones.
The politicians who are trying to blame political debate about the issues for causing this shooting are just trying to milk a major tragedy for their own political gain. They should be ashamed of themselves. We need strong debate about the issues, if we are ever to get this country straightened out. The logic of these shameful finger pointers is as silly as saying John Lennon would still be alive if he had behaved differently. That was also another very tragic event caused by a lone madman.
What the fall out danger is from this event is if Politicians use this rare but unacceptable isolated incident to further limit their presence, availability and accountability to the public, which has been suggested many times in the media over the days since this took place.
Do I blame Sara Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachman or Glenn Beck for this? Hell no! They all contributed in their own way - but they did not pull the trigger. Hey Glenn: Guess you were wrong - violence was coming all right but NOT FROM THE LEFT!
Also, I do not believe that Gun Control is the answer. That always means the only ones who will be able to get the guns will be the very folks who should not have them to begin with: The Criminals!
Jared Lee Loughner appears to be a skinhead type and I feel those who only use hate to attempt to effect change in this world are like “rotten teeth” in the free speech mouth of society - they need to be extracted immediately as not to poison the remain collective body of our Nation. Hate only begets Hate - but indifference toward millions of hurting Americans - the 99er Nation - what exactly is that saying to the world about our country, Christian values and the effectiveness of our Government?
Watch this then decide for yourselves....Why would the 99ers give up all this great poverty for a job? Right? Whatever GOPigs!
[The donation button below is for me, Paladinette. If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]
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