Sitting at Chunky's Cinema in Nashua, New Hampshire is a treat. The Cinema provides tables with big chairs and while watching the movie there is the ability to order food and have a waitress come and bring a meal and drinks during the movie. It was Saint Patrick's Day 2011 on a double date.
Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried is rated PG 13 with some violence, a tad bit of gore and a steamy make-out scene which almost leads to sex but stops short.
The ending is the real kicker, because throughout the entire movie the audience is trying to guess who the wolf is. Which one is the wolf? Well, no one will be correct in guessing who the wolf is so just enjoy the movie to the end.
Seyfried's character, Valerie, is arranged to be married to the sweet boy, Henry, who comes from money, but she has her heart set on the bad boy, Peter, that she used to catch rabbits with when she was younger. When the wolf kills someone in the town she runs to her grandmother and tries to figure all of this out.
The movie is directed by Catherine Hardwicke which explains why it is kind of Twilight-esque in reference to the directing of the first Twilight movie which was the only movie in the Twilight saga which was also directed by Hardwicke.
Currently on IMDB the movie is rated 4 out of 10 stars.

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