Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cholera in Haiti: A Muckraker's Reward for looking at actual Muck

In today's hyper-evolving social media, with GPS mapping and crowd-sourcing of vast amounts of information, it might seem quaint, if not downright foolish, to believe that old school journalism's low-tech and low-cost approaches - a pen, a pad, and shoe-leather investigation - could result in an article that ignites a global furor. We're talking about an article that spread almost instantly around the world, irrevocably reframing a massive health crisis and probably  changing international policies for years to come.

Jonathan KatzBut it's true. Jonathan Katz, an Associated Press reporter in Haiti, did just that last fall.

Cholera is an old-fashioned disease. Cholera could be eradicated worldwide with a single proven approach in use since Victorian times: a reliable sewer system. It's easy to get caught up in obfuscating technologies like genetic footprints and resistance patterns and bio-plankton reservoirs. But the symbol of cholera's inevitable demise is the simple toilet.

A decent sewer system absolutely stops the spread of cholera. So when the initially wild-sounding, conspiracy-theoryish rumors that peacekeepers had brought cholera to Haiti were running rampant, the UN issued a statement defending the base. It said the Nepalese unit there used seven sealed septic tanks built to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards and emptied every week by a private company to a landfill  a safe 820 feet from the river.

But armed with only a pad, a pen, "and maybe my point-and-shoot-digital camera," Katz broke a story worldwide, in much the same way that the Rev. Henry Whitehead nailed the final controversy about cholera's source during the 1854 Broad Street pump outbreak.


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