This text below is from the Examiner and basically supports my video about Ann Coulter and John Edwards, where I stated he and his wife Elizabeth were waisting their time attacking her. My video's below, in case you didn't see it the first time.
From The Examimner - Coulter’s latest publicity extravaganza is pegged “If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans,” which is due out in two weeks. Her polemical pyrotechnics are sure to cause just as much hullabaloo as her previous works (a sampling: “Bill Clinton’s library is the first one to ever feature an Adults Only section” and “The Military — Their Pet Peeve: Keeping George Clooney Safe”).
In the book, Coulter admits to loving the marvelous buzz (and money) her controversies create. “About twice a year for nearly a decade, I have upset the little darlings with some public statement. … Each time they think I can’t ‘sink any lower’ — I proceed to do so! ... When I see the hot spittle flying from their mouths and the veins bulging and pulsing above their eyes, well, that’s when I feel truly alive. … And with every statement that brought my career to a crashing halt, I continued to write bestsellers. ... My career has been ‘finished’ so many times, I’ve practically made a career out of ending my career.”