Showing posts with label AtheneWins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AtheneWins. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2008

AtheneWins Crazy Sex Fantasies On YouTube (Not)

As some of you know, I'm a YouTube partner, so as a daily viewer and user of YouTube, I've got a good idea of what videos get seen and which ones do not. But I've got to admit I've never seen anyone just game the system like AtheneWins does.

Who's AtheneWins? Well, I don't have a bio on him but his MySpace Page reads that he's an English speaking, smark-alec 28-year-old Belgian man who really talks about what he's doing in his videos and what fans are saying about him.

That's it. Nothing else.

Well, ok he does have videos like "How to get a horny bitch" which was banned by YouTube staff, he says. I write that because Athene spends all of the video time talking about what he's going to do in bed. Well, ok, most of the time. Then he has a nice looking brunette next to him that he uses as a kind of model that he fondles on, on camera.

This segment is done in the middle of the video, where YouTube's automatic thumbnail posting system picks up her breasts and so that's what we see and people click to see the rest of the video, thus generating -- traffic.

But his latest video has none of that.

It's just him talking on and on and on, and the vid's more than seven minutes long.

Still, with all that, it's generated almost a million views and seems to be stuck on the top of the most viewed videos page for this entire week!

Marketers could take a lesson from Athene and win.