Showing posts with label Fox Sports Luncheon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fox Sports Luncheon. Show all posts

Friday, October 03, 2008


This, to me is a crazy. I'm not saying O.J. Simpson was not stupid for not calling the police in Las Vegas and filing a stolen items report, but given the complexities of the overall case, and the assertion that the Las Vegas law enforcement people wanted to score a big arrest of O.J. Simpson, it's shocking to even hear of the final verdict.

But also consider what could be grounds for filing an appeal: that none of the jurors were Black -- zero. That's stupid and for the judge to allow the formation of such a jury is criminal in itself -- or should be.

Plus, O.J. Simpson himself never had a gun. Plus, the person -- an obviously questionable man called Thomas Riccio -- who Simpson for some god-awful reason asked to help him, ended up recording Simpson and selling it to the media for $210,000.

Wild and not right at all.

There's reason to believe Simpson will be released on appeal of the makeup of the jury. That's crazy to even think that a fair trial was had with an all-White or at least non-Black jury. Plus, the judge , Jsckie Miller, didn't release information on the juror questionaire. Why? I don't know.

All I know is this fish stinks and it's being thrown back into the water.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Really Good Hula-Hoop Woman

OK. This has no political significance, at least I don't think it does. It's one of those "I'm glad I've got my camcorder" moments. This woman was really working her Hula-Hoop for my camera at the Park Chalet restaurant on Ocean Beach in San Francisco.

I've always wanted to see someone really professionally "do" the Hula-Hoop. She turns it around her neck and all over the place. Check it out. It's short and sweet. Some mental candy for the stressed industrial culture we're in.