Wow. LA City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, who wanted Paris Hilton to serve 45-days in jail for driving on a suspended license, now suffers from the public knoweldge that his own wife drove on a suspended license for nine years -- and counting. Here's the news report:
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The wife of the city's top prosecutor has an outstanding arrest warrant for failing to appear in court nine years ago on charges of driving without insurance, with a suspended licence and in an unregistered car.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo got Paris Hilton jailed for violating probation for driving with a suspended licence, then condemned her early release. Now, he says he's embarrassed about the outstanding warrant for his wife, Michelle, the Los Angeles Times reported yesterday.
Rocky Delgadillo said he didn't know about it until this week and has urged his wife to remedy the situation.
"My wife is embarrassed about this, and I am embarrassed as well," he said.
Well, should his wife receive the same treatment as Paris Hilton? This really brings home my point that Paris Hilton was being punished for being Paris Hilton.