Showing posts with label hate speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate speech. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Protect Free Speech, Including Hate Speech

I just saw this article in the New York Times reporting on how Canadians crack down on the use of "hate speech" that's commonly heard in the United States.

Does that mean we're less advanced as a society? I think not. My personal view is that while I totally hate any kind of "hate speech", hearing it in a digital society gives us a true view of our country and causes others to put pressure on the "haters" to stop what they're doing.
For example, I remember when a certain NY Times writer confused me as being two different Black men in consecutive columns. Valleywag picked up on that, and the racism that was evident.

The result was an apology from the writer.

Besides, we would not know how stupid Michelle Malkin could be without free speech!