Showing posts with label jane fonda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jane fonda. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jane Fonda discovers New Media and Twitter

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Generally we hear and read about "older folk" pooh-pooing blogs, websites, and Twitter. So it's refreshing to find someone 71 years old taking to New Media with all the zest of a 20-something. That is the legendary Jane Fonda. I literally stumbled over her blog post as I'm one of her 45,000 (as of this writing) followers on Twitter and had to take time to check it out.

Ms. Fonda's site and blog also contain her videos, Twitter updates, and other information. You can even buy her famous fitness tapes. But I think she needs to go a step further and have video channels on YouTube,, and other services to better distribute her images. Also a page of Mp3's of interviews and music, and a widget like the one I have would be cool, too.

That way her fans can have her content on their blogs!

In her 70s it seems the Atlanta dweller has rediscovered her youth but isn't trying to be young. Indeed, Fonda says that "sex gets better with age" and is coming out with a book detailing her views on this called "The Third Act: Entering Prime Time". Trouble is she's so busy living life she's behind schedule with the book! I can't wait to see what she does in her 80s!