So, after years of casual following of politics, he finally sat down and spent some time researching presidential candidates for ‘08 with what he describes as a "truly open mind, for the first time." This led to further soul-searching and research into all manner of political information, including the current state of affairs as a nation.
The conclusion?
"I am no longer a conservative. I am now an ex-conservative. An ExCon, if you will. Join me and let’s try to make a difference."
The reality:
"At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter if you are at war or at peace - the federal government must be fiscally responsible. Sure, if we are under imminent threat of being destroyed, then maybe caution goes to the wind, but, otherwise we must keep some level of restraint. While certainly a strong military & strong national security are vitally important, a strong economic & financial situation is at least equally important, perhaps even more important for a superpower. Just ask the U.S.S.R."