Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Superdome - Saints Block Falcons Punt For First Touchdown Of The Game

This is the play that started the tidalwave of celebration. Even watching this on TV I could feel the crowd going totally nuts. The blocked punt came because the Saints used an uncommon middle rush stunt, which was such that it created a hole that the eventual blocker ran through.

Watch and listen:

Reggie Bush Gives To Devery Henderson; Saints Double Reverse Scores v. Falcons In Superdome - Video

This play sent the Superdome crowd into a sky-high frenzy. They were already jazzed up after the blocked punt.

What's interesting about this particular play is that the first ball carrier -- Reggie Bush -- lines up as a split end. Note there's no tight end on that side, but because the Falcons don't play their weak side linebacker up on the line of scrimage, Bush can come in to get the hand-off without fear of being downed for a loss.

Superdome Opens To New Orleans Saints and America - Saints Clobber Falcons In First Game Back

This was an amazing event. Here's a video and an account of the scene.

Super Bowl atmosphere, perfect finish in Big Easy

Sep. 26, 2006
By Mike Freeman
CBS National Columnist
Tell Mike your opinion!

NEW ORLEANS -- Sporting a flaming light gold suit and dark top hat that stood tall and stiff on his head, Joe Horn sauntered into the Superdome several hours before kickoff as he has done many times before. This day, however, was different.

WR Joe Horn has become a favorite in New Orleans. (Getty Images)
Horn, along with superstar Reggie Bush, has been adopted by the city as favorite sons, cherished for their charity work in post-Hurricane Katrina. In reaching out, Horn and Bush did not send checks from the safety of their estates or dispatch bubbly flaks to do their PR work. They got their hands dirty. They dropped in on pulverized neighborhoods, handed out food and rebuilt lives.

The Saints arranged for players to take a different way into the stadium than normal, one that had them walk purposely through a gauntlet of fans. When Horn approached wearing his pimp daddy fits circa Etta James, he stopped several times to accept dozens of pats on the back and high-fives from fans leaning over a security barricade to touch their hands on a hero.

On this night, a night unlike any other in sports history, the New Orleans Saints players were the rock stars, bigger celebrities than even mega-groups U2 and Green Day, who performed onstage together prior to the Saints facing Atlanta in a tribute to the city of New Orleans.

The game itself, almost lost in the nuclear intensity that was the Superdome's reopening, was destined to end up just one way -- and it did, but it was New Orleans winning 23-3 before 70,003 wildly geeked fans.

The Falcons stepped in the way of history and were squashed.

As if scripted by some otherworldly force, the Saints are 3-0. Just how un-freakin'-believable is that?

"The fans were great," said Horn. "We knew they would be here in force to support us and we didn't want to let them down.

"I was focused on the job at hand, but I was also focused on the emotion of the fans," said Horn. "If I had witnessed what happened here at the dome, I probably wouldn't have come back."

Horn said he in fact spoke to fans that were trapped inside the quickly decaying dome during Katrina who would not come back because the memories were still too fresh. They planned to watch the game on television.

The Saints were powered by an emotional, almost nationalistic sunburst. No team might have beaten the Saints on this night. Not the 1960s Green Bay Packers or the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers. No team.

When the game was over, about 50,000 fans remained in the stands, dancing and cheering for several minutes. Coach Sean Payton dedicated a game ball to the Saints fans.

"We said, 'The only way this night was going to be special was if we win this game,'" said quarterback Drew Brees.

« Back · 1 · 2

As someone that has covered a number of Super Bowls, the grandest of sporting events in this country, this game had that same feel. Perhaps because so many people thought this night would never happen. Or maybe because for a few hours, this city, much of it still in ruins, all this time later, can enjoy a basic human impulse perhaps not felt in many months here, and that is the spine-tingling sensation of forward momentum, the rhapsody of a new day.


The game itself, the actual football, almost did not matter. The moment did. When you rank all of the great moments in the history of American sports, this will stand solidly among them.

Two and three hours before the game, crowds of humanity, tens of thousands of people, were drinking and laughing in the streets around the dome. It was a party, a celebration. They stayed close to the dome, almost hugging it, never wanting to lose site of it.

Ironic, isn't it? Just over a year ago 30,000 people were cursing the place when it was utilized as an emergency shelter. It was a house of horrors. It was called by some the Island of Katrina because rivers of water flowed onto the streets around it. Then, people were trying to get as far away from the place as they could, both physically and mentally.

On its reopening Saints fans chugged beers and sang songs throughout the Superdome's corridors. They were again in love with one of the symbols of their city. They were no longer ashamed of it.

When former commissioner Paul Tagliabue, a key component in the rebuilding of the dome, was asked if he was surprised that this night had come, he said, "In one sense I am astonished because it represents such a tremendous amount of work, the coming together of tens of thousands of people and their spirit and their resilience. So in one sense, like I say, I am astonished. In another sense, it is what we all hoped would happen."

Once the contest began, there was so much emotion vibrating throughout the dome. Some of the Saints players and coaches became overwhelmed by it. A blocked punt for a touchdown, followed by a Devery Henderson 11-yard run, and two John Carney field goals of 37 and 51 yards gave the Saints a 20-3 halftime lead. When the Falcons tried to gather at least an ounce of momentum with a Morten Andersen (yes, that Morten Andersen, the former Saint) field goal, that too was blocked.

"Right out the gate," Horn said, "we wanted to make a statement that we were here to play."

One Saints player was too pumped, however. Curtis Deloatch, in the second quarter, shoved Atlanta runner Jerious Norwood long after Norwood was out of the field of play. The game official flagged Deloatch for an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

Immediately after that, Payton, in an inexcusable fit of rage, twice accosted Deloatch on the Saints sideline, in full view of the television cameras, by shoving him hard in the upper body area. It was the only lowlight on the night that contained a zillion highlights.

The Falcons had Michael Vick, an NFL force, but everything went the way of the Saints. Not even his Roger Rabbit quicks could stop the inevitable. The blocked punt for a Saints score, a key early drop by tight end Alge Crumpler, the blocked field goal, a made long field goal by the Saints and a pass interference call on the Saints later reversed. It was one piece of good fortune followed by another.

It was karma. Or maybe since the game was in New Orleans, it was voodoo.

Whatever it was, Saints fans will take it, on this, a truly joyous and unforgettable night in which everyone, for a short time, was a Saints fan.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cardinals Kurt Warner Starter, Not Matt Lenart - NFL

Kurt Warner to remain starting quarterback wire reports

TEMPE, Ariz. (Sept. 26, 2006) -- Kurt Warner will remain the starting quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals, coach Dennis Green said.

Green's comment came in a statement released by the team following an ESPN report that Green decided that rookie Matt Leinart would replace Warner as starter for Arizona's game at Atlanta.

"Generally talking about the starting lineup is not something we do," Green said. "However, given the speculation that was out there we want to make it clear. We're disappointed after last week, but we still expect to be a playoff football team and we fully expect Kurt Warner to be the quarterback that leads us. That has not changed."

Warner threw three interceptions, two of them with Arizona inside the opponent's 14-yard line, and fumbled a snap at the St. Louis 18 with 1:46 to go in the Cardinals' 16-14 home loss to the Rams.

At his regular Monday news conference, Green declined to confirm Warner would remain as a starter.

Terrell Owens Suffers Adverse Reaction To Pain-Killers - ESPN

Source: T.O. hospitalized after reaction to medicine news services

DALLAS -- Terrell Owens was taken to the emergency room Tuesday night after suffering an adverse reaction to painkillers taken for treatment of his fractured hand, a source close to Owens told ESPN's Ed Werder.

Doctors treating the Dallas Cowboys receiver were trying to induce vomiting when he arrived at Baylor Medical Center, according to a television report.

Owens was brought by a fire rescue crew to the hospital, Dallas-Fort Worth television station KTVT reported, citing sources the television station did not identify. A reporter for the station later said she saw Owens being wheeled down the hall.

Calls from The Associated Press to Owens' agent, his publicist and the Cowboys were not immediately returned Tuesday night. The hospital told the AP that they do not have a patient registered by Owens' name.

KTVT said a Dallas police spokesperson was en route to the hospital to talk about a "high profile case." A hospital spokesman is expected to make an announcement early Wednesday.

Owens fractured the fourth metacarpal bone in the Cowboys' victory over the Washington Redskins and underwent surgery on Sept. 18. The next day, a plate was screwed in, protecting the bone so it can heal without further damage.

Cowboys coach Bill Parcells mentioned in a press conference shortly thereafter that pain medication had made Owens ill, apparently making this the second time he has had an adverse reaction. The incident that sent him to the hospital Tuesday night apparently occurred sometime after Owens took medication after catching passes at the Cowboys' facility on Tuesday.

At this point, his availability to practice with the team on Wednesday or to play in Sunday's game at Tennessee remains unknown.

On Tuesday, the Cowboys also practiced without tight end Jason Witten, whose wife was having a baby. Wide receiver Terry Glenn practiced, albeit with several stitches in his thumb.

"He was trying to cut some tape off his uniform," Parcells said. "He had his hand down in his pants and he missed. Fortunately he cut his hand."

With the Cowboys having had a bye last weekend, Owens could return without having missed a game. Before Tuesday's developments, Owens said he'll play Oct. 8, when he gets to face his former team, the Eagles, in Philadelphia.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

2006 season almost 1/4th over-More Musings over NFL rules

I'd love to hear some feed back from my fellow bloggers here about what is their early season surprise as we approach the 25% mark in the season. One thing i'm quite ticked off about are the refs interpretations of the rules and rule changes.
No more was this evident then at Seattle where CLEARLY the seahawks should have been penalized for excessive crowd noise numerous times in Sundays drubbing of the Giants. Is this sour grapes? No,..Seattle did honestly out coach NY in this game. Shockey was right, even if he was wrong to openly critique his coaches in a press op. So then why is the crowd noise rule in place if officials refuse to enforce it? One last thought on this: in some college games played in some conferences, if the fans of the home team are unruly, the Officials give them two chances via "Bench" penalties to calm their crowd down. The third time the game is stopped. Then the officials decide if the game is continued or forfeited.

Condi Rice: Such A Silly Girl; A Plan Regarding Terrorism Was Made By Clinton

Secretary of State Dr. Condelessa Rice is an effective official, worthy of prase and admiration -- just not on this issue of terrorism. As anyone who follows politics knows and reads the 9/11 Commission Report, President Clinton did have a report created on the threat posed by Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladin.

Richard Clark tried to bring the report to the attention of Dr. Rice in 2001, and was reportedly rebuffed by her. For Ms. Rice to come out now and say that there was no report or plan by the Clinton Administration is just plain silly.

Dr. Rice, you're being such a silly girl! Tisk, tisk.

Check out this video!

George Allen - Under Fire For Rumors Of Using "N-Word" In Past

Senator George Allen's under attack regarding race and yet again. This time an old classmate comes along reporting that he used the N-word in the past -- the 70s. The Senator responded that this was not true. My take on this is it probably was and because I went to college in the South and in the early 80s. Even then I heard the N-word used by white males, and once directly toward me.

At that time, far less so now, there seemed to be a kind of "need" that if a young white male wanted to be "one of the guys" he had to express a mild form of racism. I attribute President Reagan's popularity amoung white males on campus at the time to Reagan's apparently hard stance on race issues like affirmative action and busing. And it seems that white women who wanted to be liked by white guys would annouce "I'm Republican" without knowing why. It was a crazy time in my view.

Anway, here's the latest video on George Allen:

Congratulations Doug Thornton on The Superdome

I first met Superdome Manager Doug Thornton when I was tabbed to run the effort to bring the Super Bowl to Oakland. While others at SMG played politics, Doug was the consumate professional.

It's no suprise to me that he stepped up and made the best of a terrible situation with the Superdome and Hurricane Katrina. He's a kind man, and deserves all of the thanks he gets.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sports Business Daily Focuses On Superdome On Eve Of Monday Night Game

The Sports Business Daily has a great -- if not well structured -- set of news postings on events and people related to the reopening of the Superdome and this evening's Atlanta Falcons v. New Orleans Saints game.

Superdome Readies For Its Grand Re-Opening Tonight On “MNF”

Superdome Receiving $185M In Renovations
The Superdome will reopen tonight for the first time since Hurricane Katrina for the Falcons-Saints “MNF” game, and the refurbished stadium, “other than the concrete-and-steel superstructure, ... looks nothing like the battered building that almost imploded a year ago,” according to a front-page piece by Jeff Duncan of the New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE. The “multiphase renovation that will top out at” $185M is more than three-quarters finished, and the Superdome is “more fan-friendly and noticeably brighter than before.” SMG Regional VP Doug Thornton said the Dome is “greatly improved, not just repaired” (New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 9/24). Thornton: “There’s a fresh feel. I never thought it would look this good so fast” (SHREVEPORT TIMES, 9/25). Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District (LSED) attorney Larry Roedel said, “It was not an option to demolish the dome. The only option was to make it new and bright, so people could focus on the future” (SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS, 9/24).

FULLY STAFFED FOR SEASON: SPORTSBUSINESS JOURNAL’s Don Muret reports SMG completed one of its “largest recruiting and training efforts to hire 2,500 part-time event workers” for the Saints’ home schedule. Thornton said, “We have less than half the employees that we had before, but the people that are back are experienced, having been through many Super Bowls and Final Fours. That’s a big plus” (SPORTSBUSINESS JOURNAL, 9/25 issue).

McAllister Feels Game Will Provide
Brief Respite For Football Fans
GAME A BREAK FROM NORMAL LIFE: In New Orleans, Jimmy Smith writes the game “provides a welcome respite from the often depressing grind of everyday life for those who call this area home.” Saints QB Drew Brees said, “I think a lot of people will see from the broadcast that, hey, this city is very much alive” (New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 9/25). Saints RB Deuce McAllister said, “Instead of (people) wondering are they going to continue to haggle with their insurance people, are they going to have to continue to work on their home, for three hours they can go and cheer for their Saints” (HOUSTON CHRONICLE, 9/25). In Massachusetts, Albert Breer writes, “Tonight is a time to put [rebuilding efforts] on the back burner for a few hours. And celebrate some of the progress that’s already been made” (METROWEST DAILY NEWS, 9/25). Roedel said, “The general feeling is that if sports and entertainment can make a comeback, the rest of the community can as well. It’s difficult to just focus on sports and entertainment because the damage is so much bigger than that, but it gives people something to rally around” (SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS, 9/24). Thornton: “If you can rebuild a 2-million-square-foot facility, there’s hope for our neighborhoods and for our city” (HOUSTON CHRONICLE, 9/25).

SENDING A MESSAGE: Tony Kornheiser, who will broadcast the game tonight on ESPN, toured New Orleans Friday with several reporters and editors from the Times-Picayune. Kornheiser writes, “When I told my guides that, instead of a football game, everyone should be focusing on building houses, repatriating people and making sure they could come back here to live, they politely set me straight. ... This game means a tremendous amount to them. ... The building sends a powerful message of a positive sort –- come here as a tourist” (WASHINGTON POST, 9/25). Historian Douglas Brinkley, who wrote “The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast,” said, “We have two industries -– ports and tourism. That’s been the justification for going forward with Mardi Gras and fixing the Superdome -– that we have to revive those industries or the city won’t survive.” In Houston, David Barron writes the Superdome “serves as a gleaming symbol of the possibilities of a rebuilt New Orleans” (HOUSTON CHRONICLE, 9/25).

SYMBOL OF SURVIVAL: In DC, Les Carpenter wrote the Superdome’s reopening is “the seminal event in the city’s recovery, a gesture that New Orleans might survive after all.” Local businesses have been asked to close at 3:00pm CT, and workers are encouraged to wear Saints colors (WASHINGTON POST, 9/24). In Atlanta, Steve Hummer: “This is the moment meant to show the world New Orleans has a pulse again” (ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, 9/24). In Chicago, Don Pierson: “The Superdome has become a symbol of government success and civic rebirth” (CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 9/24). In California, Cam Inman: “Tonight’s unveiling ... might be the most remarkable achievement in the Superdome’s history” (CONTRA COSTA TIMES, 9/25). Fox’ Terry Bradshaw, who is from Shreveport, said, “I can’t be more proud of a city, or even Mr. Benson, the owner. ... Right now, we’ve got something to live for, something to look forward to.” Fox’ Joe Buck added, “I know I speak on behalf of all of us, though, when I say $185(M) spent on refurbishing the (Superdome), we hope the same type of effort and that same type of money, even obviously millions more, will be spent on bringing people back into their homes in that region” (“Fox NFL Sunday,” Fox, 9/24).

Thornton Says He Has Had Talks With
NCAA, NFL About Hosting Marquee Events
LONG ROAD AHEAD: New Orleans-based Columbus Properties President & CEO Joe Canizaro said, “It’s going to take 10 years if it takes a day to get us back to where we were. But we have to start somewhere, and this night is that start” (SPORTING NEWS, 9/29 issue). Former Saints QB and New Orleans resident Archie Manning said, “Long-term, I worry. ... I just hope we can keep up the momentum. It’s going to take a lot” (NEWSDAY, 9/24). But Thornton said, “It’s a bright future. We’ve already had conversations with the NCAA and with the NFL (about hosting their jewel events). The Super Bowl situation is totally dependent upon a long-term lease with the Saints. And they are going to play a collegiate national championship here in 2008” (ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, 9/24).

NOT ENOUGH ATTENTION ELSEWHERE: In L.A., Sam Farmer writes in a front-page piece that “not everyone agrees that rebuilding the football stadium should have been a top priority.” New Orleans resident Karenlynn Bell said, “I don’t want to set foot in there, even for a game. It’s more for the tourists, more for the people on the West Side. The evacuees ... you don’t hear them excited” (L.A. TIMES, 9/25). New Orleans resident Dee Jabar, who is $120,000 in debt after reopening his business, said the city “should be busy worrying about how to survive and rebuild rather than about a team that earns millions of dollars” (N.Y. DAILY NEWS, 9/24). New Orleans resident Harrison Smothers said, “It’s a football game. It’s not doing much for the people of the city. It might do something for the politicians” (ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, 9/24). In Westchester, Ian O’Connor wrote, “I’ve covered the Super Bowl, the Final Four, and the national championship football game in the Superdome, and I’ll never be able to look at the stadium as anything but a hiding place for Hurricane Katrina victims. ... Just understand that this is show business, and that nothing on your TV screen [tonight] makes the disaster any less epic, or our government’s embarrassingly slow reaction to it any less real” (Westchester JOURNAL NEWS, 9/24).

Writer Believes Tagliabue’s (c) Handling
Of Situation Could Be Crowning Moment
IMPORTANT FIGURES: The TIMES-PICAYUNE’s Duncan wrote Thornton, Roedel and Superdome Commission Chair Tim Coulon “in essence ... saved pro sports in New Orleans. ... And they did it pretty much on their own, under the radar, while a crippled city was still on its knees.” Roedel “plotted legal strategy and navigated the mountains of paperwork,” while Coulon “served as the liaison between the LSED team and Baton Rouge, communicating daily with [Louisiana Gov. Kathleen] Blanco, the LSED board of commissioners and state legislators.” Meanwhile, Thornton “negotiated the $20[M] grant from the NFL toward the Superdome renovation and spearheaded the agreement that landed the 2008 NBA All-Star Game for the city.” NBA President of League & Basketball Operations Joel Litvin said, “Doug was easily the most important person in the whole process. He was the go-to guy on every single issue, and he delivered on everything he promised” (New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 9/24). Thornton is featured in an extensive piece by CBS’s Mike Freeman under the header, “One Man’s Heroics Helped Save City, Superdome” (CBS, 9/20). Thornton also was profiled on CBS’ “The Early Show” Saturday (THE DAILY).

NFL’S ROLE: In a separate piece, the TIMES-PICAYUNE’s Duncan wrote former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue’s handling of the situation “will rank as one of the biggest accomplishments of his 17-year tenure.” Thornton said of Tagliabue, who will attend the game tonight, “His leadership and decision-making certainly had a huge impact on where we are today. We couldn’t have accomplished what we did without the NFL” (New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 9/24). A TIMES-PICAYUNE editorial stated the city had “much-appreciated help” from Thornton, Tagliabue and current NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Also, Saints Owner Tom Benson’s “statements about the Saints’ future in New Orleans gave fans hope” (New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 9/24).

LENDING A HELPING HAND: In New Orleans, Benjamin Hochman reported Saturday’s “NFL Junior Player Development Homecoming Jamboree” was one of several events “that brought together corporations and volunteers to clean the city and raise awareness.” At the event, the Saints welcomed 75 youth athletes from New Orleans and 75 from Atlanta, which included some New Orleans evacuees, “to play football and clean the playground.” TNT’s Kenny Smith also hosted several charitable events that included visits from Hornets G Chris Paul, Warriors G Baron Davis, Heat C Alonzo Mourning, Nuggets F Kenyon Martin and Bulls G Ben Gordon (New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 9/24).

A NEW MORNING: ABC’s “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts was live at the Superdome during this morning’s show. In addition to a report on the reopening, segments from the venue included a profile of Thornton and a taped interview with U2’s The Edge and Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong. CBS’ “The Early Show” and NBC’s “Today” also reported on the Superdome this morning (THE DAILY).

Fordham Spire - Does Chicago Really Need A 2,000-Foot Tall Building?

I was born in Chicago. At the age of six, my now late father drove me around the City and explained concepts like zoning and planning to me. He took me to the tallest buildings in Chicago and made me appreciate not just big buildings but the idea that Chicago was home to them. So, my college major was City Planning, and that was my focus in grad school. I love that Chicago embraces the big building.

But this one?

Fordham Spire was introduced over a year ago and has created a buzz around the country. It's a proposed twisting concrete building that will consist of 300 condo right by Lake Michigan and all priced at Pluto-level rates.

And Pluto doesn't even exist anymore, right?

At 2,000 feet, I ask this question: does Chicago need a structure of this size? In a city already laden with condos, and Donald Trump looking to plant another phalic flag of a set of dwelling units 1,360 feet into the sky, what does my city really need with this concrete monstrosity?

Hey, it's certainly innovative and the planning commission gave it the OK.

But. Geez. I just don't know. I'll have to give this one more thought. It's -- my objections -- have nothing to do with 9/11 at all. I just think there are limits to some things. This is just too tall to me.

But if it's built, I'll have to go up to the top. My Dad wouldn't have it any other way.

Here's a video on the tower. Ignore the music that comes with it.

Report - War In Iraq Cause of Higher Terrorism Threat

Well, many have said it, but now comes this report discussed in the San Francisco Chronicle which proves that the War in Iraq has only made the threat of terrorism worse and spread Islamic radicalism.