Thursday, October 16, 2008

Football Reporters Online Show

It's Thursday, and that means it's another episode of the Football Reporters Online Show On BlogTalk Radio. Joining us Tonight will be Jennifer Smith, The Executive Director of the Gridiron Greats Assistance fund. We will Discuss the Ongoing Health Care Crisis among Senior retired NFL Players, and what the Fans can do to support this worthy cause.
The show can be heard at 9pm eastern at;

McCain is not Bush.

It's true. For one thing, Bush is considerably younger.

However, when it comes to their policies and views on taxes and the economy? If you just read a transcript of the debates you'd be hard-pressed to distinguish Bush from McCain.
Another striking similarity: both McCain and Bush seem more interested in holding the office than in acting presidential.

McCain distances himself from Bush
McCain distancing himself from G.W.Bush

McCain Claims He's Not George Bush...

...But the facts prove otherwise. At last night's third and final debate, John McCain turned to Barack Obama and said "Sen. Obama, I am not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago." Barack Obama - wisely, as the polls seem to be bearing out - chose not to respond to that comment.

The full story discusses a hypothetical response Obama could have given to shut McCain down. McCain is so vulnerable on this issue that making such a statement may prove to be a liability for him.

Rob J

Can you explain McCain’s goals and priorities?

McCain’s a fine man; his record shows he’d be an adequate President for those who are so wealthy that taxes are just a nuisance handled by an accountant - a number that never impacts their daily spending decisions.

The rest of us, the folks on Main Street still waiting for Bush’s economic policies to trickle down some personal prosperity or create jobs, need Obama~Biden. We don't understand why McCain wants the government to administer 11 million mortgages but says health care should be as deregulated as Wall Street has been - we think bureaucrats already impede our access to health care, and we haven't lost faith in the power of the Government to be a positive force.

In some ways, if you don't try to get inside McCain's head or worry about which of Bush's fiscalor tax policies are to blame for the sub-prime mortgage crisis, it's really a pretty simple choice.

You can choose between:
1) a guy who wants government to do less because he doesn't trust the competence of anybody and everybody below him - except evidently in areas it's politically expedient to say government must intervene like the mortgage mess - or
2) the guy who wants to make health care universally affordable and available while extricating us from Iraq, fixing some inequities in the tax policies Bush has established, and bringing a unified vision to our energy and environmental policies that he sees dovetailing with national security.

One of these guys is going to run the country, taking over the government in the midst of profound economic turmoil. If you're rich, and have no kids, you may pick the former if you so desire. After watching the final 2008 Presidential debate, I prefer the vision of the latter, and I'm voting for "that one."

"Joe The Plumber" Makes Less Than $250,000 - Didn't Tell Obama

According to this Yahoo article, "Joe The Plumber" or Joe Wurzelbacher, the man featured by Senator John McCain, doesn't even make $250,000 according to his own statements.  Joe comes off as a kind of suburban Ohio hick with a past, and this level of attention may not be what he wants.  But he's got it and really in fairness he didn't ask for it.

This all could blow up in McCain's face if he gets too close to Joe.  McCain, desperate for a better performance than he's shown thus far, may very well be inclined to hitch his star to Joe as  he did Sarah Palin: without proper vetting.

Plus, there are other "Joe The Plumbers" who are also benefiting from this publicity and are not as conservative as Joe Wurzelbacher, just consider this Texas man who has a website called "Joe The Plumber".  

Moreover, Wurzelbacher may -- and I stress may -- be a close relative of, drum-roll please, Charles Keating, according to the blog "The LitterBox", which has an extensive post devoted to Mr. Wurzelbacher.  Here's what was written:

And then there are some other questions.

Is Joe the Plumber’s real name Joseph Wurzelbacher or Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher?

According to some sources, including the Politicoblog, which claim to have already checked voting records, Joe the Plumber is NOT registered to vote in Ohio.

Joe the Plumber appears to have multiple addresses, including the one at which he gave the media a short interview this morning.  He is not registered to vote from that particular address.  It is not clear if he is the owner of that address (curious given his claim to an income of over $250,000).  Of the other given addresses for Joe the Plumber, his parents are registered to vote on one, but none are listed for him.  Which means he is either more than just an undecided voter.  Or less, since non-registration means he’s not eligible to vote!

He has an open unpaid income tax tax lien case against him in Lucas County, Ohio.

Twice married, with the public records of those cases available at:
Just type his name into the search box to bring up both divorce cases.

There are some suggestions that he does not own his own business but may be related to another Joseph Wurzelbacher who does run a septic tank company.  Ironic that Joe the Plumber may be full of shit, eh?

Wow.  Well, perhaps this exposure's good for Joe in some strange way, but if I were McCain, I'd be real careful in how I associate myself with Joe The Plumber.  He has a tax lien but claims to make money -- not good.  I could understand it if he was poor -- different story.  Let's see what McCain does with this.

Obama Talks To "Joe The Plumber" But Joe Mistates His Position

This video shows the now famous converation between Senator Barack Obama and Joe Wurzelbacher, an Ohio plumber looking to purchase a business.  Joe's under the impression that Obama's plan will cause him to not be able to purchase a plumbing business, but at the end of the conversation, Obama does explain his intent to eliminate the Capital Gains Tax for a small business like his, something not reported by the mainstream media.

Also, Joe didn't make the distinction between his income and the income of his current business operations.  If his personal income is less than $250,000, then his personal taxes will be lower.

But the main thing is Barack didn't throw BS at Joe.  He stood there and talked to him.  You gotta like that.

Regi of NUMBLIFE Calls Obama "A Pimp" (In A Kinda Good Way)

This video ranges from being downright funny to a bit tragic as Regi explains why he thinks Senator Barack Obama's a pimp, in his evaluation of the final Obama / McCain debate. 

Third 2008 Presidential Debate (Full Video) - C-SPAN

This is the full length video of the third and final presidential debate between Senator Barack Obama and  Senator John McCain, presented by C-SPAN. 

Obama - McCain | Final Debate Thoughts On Who Won

Who won the final Presidential Debate? I asked that question -- well more what they thought of the debate -- of Obama supporters at the Temple Lounge in San Francisco. My thanks to the staff of the Temple Lounge. Great place; great people.

Here On CNN iReport

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The American Poverty Problem - Blog Action Day 2008

This is my contribution to Blog Action Day. The subject is poverty. My call is for us to spend what we need to solve our economic and poverty problem. I also ask that we stop asking what it costs when we don't do so when spending for war is in quesion.

Sarah Palin's I.Q. Record Rejected By Nick Denton At Gawker

Thanks to my friend Oreo at DemConWatchBlog for bringing this to my attention.  Nick Denton over at Gawker conducted at analysis of the alledged  Palin "academic records" that have been buzzing around the blogsphere at a rapid pace,  and in this blog, and determined they were false.  

He based his decision on a careful look at the way the documents were assembled.  Great work.  But it calls into question what can be trusted.  For example, this information was placed on a giant listserv and sent out to thousands of people. Now, it's left to me to send out a corrective, but the damage is done.

In a way I'm glad because it means I don't have to take any heat for asserting in my video that Palin is clever enough to fashion an exit strategy beyond the campaign.  I still believe she's positioning herself for a run at the Alaska Senate seat currently held by Lisa Murtowski, but when I presented why many commented that Palin could not be "bright enough" to do that.  

I disagee. 

Sarah Palin's I.Q At 83 - Palin Academic Records Rounding The Blogsphere

At first I thought the blogger at the Silenced Majority Portal was kidding when he or she wrote  that Alaska Governor and GOP VP hopeful Sarah Palin's I.Q. was at 83.  I mean wow.  I'm not into I.Q.s, -- mine was rsnked at 156 when I was 7 years old -- but a score's a score.  

I thought it was a joke, but then I saw a pretty authentic-looking document that's also making the rounds on the blogsphere.   It's a compilation of her academic record and photos that someone (??) assembled and posted for view.  The link is here:

In just looking through it, we find that her then-latest high school grades went like this:  she scored a B in English, a D in Foreign Language, and didn't get an A in anything.  Her SAT scores were 425 verbal and 416 for math.  

The report also has a LOT of media clippings, all negative, about Palin.  But what got my attention was the information about Bristol Palin's soon-to-be husband Levi Johnston.  It claims that his MySpace has race-hate words...

Bristol Palin's boyfriend, the father of her unborn child, refers to himself as proud to be a "fuckin' redneck" on his MySpace page (before his profile was removed). He also said if anyone “messes” with him, he would "kick their fuckin' ass." He uses the N-word freely, and under hobbies, says “I like to shoot shit" for fun.


The document also has her education and resume:

1978-1982: Wasilla High School, diploma, 2.2 GPA
1982: Hawaii Pacific College (dropped out)
1983: North Idaho Community College (dropped out)
1984-1985: University of Idaho (dropped out)
1985: Matanuska-Susitna Community College, AK (dropped out)
1986-1987: University of Idaho, BA Communications

Career (1978-1997):
1987-1989: Sports Reporter
KTUU-TV, KTVA-TV (Anchorage), and Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman
1988-present: Co-owner, husbands fishing operation
1992-1996: Wasilla AK city council
1994-1997: Co-owner, snow machine dealership (failed)

Wow. Palin attended, let's see, five colleges in five years!  WTF?  What was up with that?  Think about it. You would have to sign up for a new college midway into the time you were at the existing college.

She's got some explaining to do there.  I've never seen a VP candidate with a resume like that.  I wonder if it has to do with that "83"....


I wonder who Sarah pissed off so badly they posted all of this information?  It's clear someone in Alaska's got it in for her.