McCain’s a fine man; his
record shows he’d be an adequate President for those who are so wealthy that taxes are just a nuisance handled by an accountant - a number that never impacts their daily spending decisions.

The rest of us, the folks on Main Street still waiting for
Bush’s economic policies to trickle down some personal prosperity or create jobs, need
Obama~Biden. We don't understand why McCain wants the government to administer 11 million mortgages but says
health care should be as
deregulated as Wall Street has been - we think bureaucrats already impede our access to health care, and we haven't lost faith in the power of the Government to be a positive force.
In some ways, if you don't try to get inside McCain's head or worry about which of Bush's fiscalor tax policies are to blame for the sub-prime mortgage crisis, it's really a pretty simple choice.
You can choose between:
1) a guy who wants government to do less because he doesn't trust the competence of anybody and everybody below him -
except evidently in areas it's politically expedient to say government must intervene like the mortgage mess - or
2) the guy who wants to make health care universally affordable and available while extricating us from Iraq, fixing some inequities in the
tax policies Bush has established, and bringing a unified vision to our energy and environmental policies that he sees dovetailing with national security.

One of these guys is going to run the country, taking over the government in the midst of profound economic turmoil. If you're rich, and have no kids, you may pick the former if you so desire. After watching the final
2008 Presidential debate, I prefer the vision of the latter, and I'm voting for "
that one."