Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Mayer's racist comments in Playboy on blacks ignite Twitter

Singer and celeb John Mayer's now branded a racist on blogosphere and on Twitter. Singer John Mayer has over 3 million followers on Twitter; few of them are amused with his partially-scotch-fueled Playboy interview. In the interview, which this blogger read before blogging, Mayer talks with Playboy contributing editor Rob Tannenbaum, who obviously got the real John Mayer because they were talking after Mayer "poured glasses of 16-year-old Lagavulin neat."

If you don't know what Lagavulin is, it's a great brand of scotch also preferred by this blogger. However, not consumed with food, Lagavulin can cause one to say things they want to take back later. It's no wonder that as of this writing, John Mayer's normally active Twitter account is silent today (February 10th, 2010)

John Mayer has set off everyone. And while it's not the first time he's got the "racist" tag applied to him (see below with Kumail Nahjiani), this time the reaction's lot more intense than the "accidental racist" label Nahjiani gave Mayer. Perez Hilton told Mayer to "go to Hell." PopEater accused Mayer of "oversharing" but also used the term racist.

But what did John Mayer say, exactly?

Here are the Playboy interview comments that ignited Twitter and the blogosphere:

PLAYBOY: If you didn’t know you, would you think you’re a douche bag?

MAYER: It depends on what I picked up. My two biggest hits are “Your Body Is a Wonderland” and “Daughters.” If you think those songs are pandering, then you’ll think I’m a douche bag. It’s like I come on very strong. I am a very…I’m just very. V-E-R-Y. And if you can’t handle very, then I’m a douche bag. But I think the world needs a little very. That’s why black people love me.

PLAYBOY: Because you’re very?

MAYER: Someone asked me the other day, “What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?” And by the way, it’s sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, “I can’t really have a hood pass. I’ve never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, ‘We’re full.’"

PLAYBOY: It is true; a lot of rappers love you. You recorded with Common and Kanye West, played live with Jay-Z.

MAYER: What is being black? It’s making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that’s seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you’ll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude’s.

PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you?

MAYER: I don’t think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick.

My take on this is it's one thing to be "race aware" - say if Mayer had made a comment about African American's still not sharing the American dream in full. That's ok. But Mayer used the N-word, which I have never allowed, even as a small boy. Then he basically religated blacks to what he sees as a permanent second class status, and calls himself a White Supremacist, even if he was referring to a part of his body.

And Mayer thinks black folks love him.

I don't. But what I do see in the Twitter tweets is that some blacks are just a bit more forgiving of Mayer than we should be as a whole. It's like this: Mayer had scotch and said what was on his mind, which was racist.

 The fact that he did and he's a celebrity entertainer and not Rush Limbaugh makes it OK for some who are black. Moreover because Mayer was bold enough to say it, some blacks think it's OK. Thus, they give him power and maintain whatever second-class status exists for us.

If Jamie Foxx made negative comments about whites there would be a white and black and everyone in between backlash. Foxx may find his business opportunities fewer. Now I use Foxx only as an example, and not to imply anything negative about a great entertainer. But given that Foxx is as well-known as Mayer, and Foxx is black, I think you see the point. People would have said Foxx has a problem, just as they're saying John Mayer has one and Mayer's got a pattern that goes back to Kumail Nahjiani.

In New York Magazine's Vulture section of December 2009, Comedian Kumail Nanjiani was heckled by Mayer at Slipper Room in New York, calling the Pakistan-born Kumail "Kabul" and then saying "he looked like a brown guy but sounded like a white guy."

In this video below, Kumail Nanjiani and Eugene Mirman call Mayer a "racist" and an "accidental racist" at the 4:25 time mark:

To be fair, Mayer felt bad about it, and makes me wonder if he had scotch that night, too.

All of this has to be placed in the view that, in the Playboy interview, John Mayer says he wants to be liked. If that's the case, he must be reviewing what's going on in his head. My advice: watch the scotch, review what you think about people, and date black women.

Stay tuned.

Illinois 4.3 earthquake shakes up Wisconsin, Iowa, and Twitter

The Illinois 4.3 earthquake was felt not just north of Chicago and in Wisconsin and Iowa, but on Twitter. The USGS reports "a magnitude 4.0 eastern U.S. earthquake typically can be felt at many places as far as 60 miles from where it occurred, and it infrequently causes damage near its source. A magnitude 5.5 eastern U.S. earthquake usually can be felt as far as 300 miles from where it occurred, and sometimes causes damage as far away as 25 miles."

Twitter is the place to go to determine how people were impacted. Illinois is one of the top hashtags as of this writing. Here are some selected tweets:

ellenzar Snow, we can live with's only a foot so no closings EARTHQUAKE!?!?!This is Illinois NOT California..woke me up..drove the cats nuts
half a minute ago from web

flubdubs DAMNIT this is the second Illinois earthquake I've slept through.
less than a minute ago from web

lisamarieyonke 4 a.m. earthquake wake anyone up? I thought it was a dream...we're not supposed to have earthquakes in Illinois!!
1 minute ago from web

geraldinecols @nbczoraida hear this... Around the same time of the Illinois earthquake, Ecuador had one of 3.9 magnitude. Crazy. Is the world ending?
2 minutes ago from TweetDeck

DainasaurRoar So it was definitely an earhquake. 4.3 at 4 am. Second one i've felt in illinois recently
2 minutes ago from web

While earthquakes do occur all the time, anecdotally there does seem to be a large number of major quakes within the past month and a half and in Haiti, Argentina, Venezuela, Eureka, CA, and Illinois.

Stay tuned.

Illinois 4.3 earthquake north of Chicago felt in Iowa, Wisconsin

The Chicago Tribune reports a medium-sized Illinois earthquake of 4.3 on the Richter Scale hit 48 miles north of Chicago near DeKalb, and was felt by residents in Southern Wisconsin and Iowa early Wednesday.

The USGS reports "a magnitude 4.0 eastern U.S. earthquake typically can be felt at many places as far as 60 miles from where it occurred, and it infrequently causes damage near its source. A magnitude 5.5 eastern U.S. earthquake usually can be felt as far as 300 miles from where it occurred, and sometimes causes damage as far away as 25 miles."

Earthquakes are rare in the midwest, but do happen. The strongest reported one was 7 on the Richter scale below St. Louis 200 years ago.

Other than shaking dishes in homes, there's no word of major damage.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Megan Fox's thumb in Motorola Super Bowl Commercial causes buzz

Megan Fox is an even bigger star after starring in her first Super Bowl commercial, this one for Motorola. If you haven't seen it, the Super Bowl commercial has Megan Fox playing herself in an outdoor tub filled with bubble water. She uses her thumb to work a Motorola phone, and wonders what would happen if she sent out a picture of herself using the phone's "Motoblur" feature. The result is funny (and you can vote on it too)

But some contend the thumb in the video does not belong to Megan Fox. This blog Pinay Chicken has the explanation:

It seems that Fox has a condition known as brachydactyly, the condition of having too short fingers and toes. Now, Megan Fox's thumb is again in the news because of the Motorola commercial she did, apparently there was a thumb switch that happened, what i mean is that someone else's hand was used in the close up shot of the Motorola phone as it is being used. Watch the video below and see the commercial, see if you notice the "thumb switch". There are also still pictures below (the video) which shows clearly a sexy thumb, which do not look like Megan Fox's thumb.

Is it her thumb? Or was it planned that way to gain more Internet buzz? After the whole Emma Watson hidden leg deal, only time and tide will tell.

American Idol has Ellen DeGeneres debut

American Idol has Ellen DeGeneres tonight and from the looks of things, she's just what the doctor ordered to replace Former Judge Paula Abdul. 66 percent of those surveyed at the blog Idol Chatter said they are excited to see Ellen DeGeneres.

How did she do?

The Chicago Tribune describes Ellen's debut as "low key":

DeGeneres did provide a little humor when she was informing one group of nervous contestants whether they had made it through to the next round. She had been telling hopefuls to "step forward" or "step back," and those who were either in the front or the back of the stage were told they'd made the cut. DeGeneres told one group to move from side to side and back and forth -- then told the entire group that they'd made it through.

Ellen's debut was not without notice on Twitter, and with Ellen herself getting the Twitterverse going with a new hashtag #EllenOnIdol and this tweet:

Tonight I start my job on Idol. Please watch! (On Fox!) #EllenOnIdol
about 6 hours ago from web

Here's a video clip of American Idol with Ellen DeGeneres:

With her eyeglasses and long-sleave blouses, Ellen will be more of a clinical judge than an emotional one because she's learning. What's changing about American Idol is looking at judges who don't sing or aren't in the music business. I don't think that's a good idea because it ruins the quality of the evaluation.

Stay tuned.

Chevron: Ecuador economist will be paid by Ecuador from judgement

The latest twist in the ongoing Chevron Ecuador case finds Chevron claiming that Ecuador's court-appointed economist Richard Cabrera will be paid by Ecuador from a judgement against Chevron, should the American oil company lose its case. According to CBS Marketwatch:

Recently uncovered records, from 2003 through 2008, show from 2003 through 2008, show Cabrera is co-founder, general manager, majority stockholder, and legal representative of an oilfield remediation company, Compania Ambiental Minera-Petrolera S.A. ("CAMPET"), which is registered to perform oilfield remediation and other services for Petroecuador.

In a press release, Chevron Vice President and General Counsel Hewitt Pate said, "For three years, Mr. Cabrera has concealed clear financial conflicts of interest that disqualify him from acting as an independent and objective evaluator of the evidence in the case. While Mr. Cabrera's financial interests alone are sufficient grounds for his report to be rejected, his intentional concealment of those interests further demonstrates that the entirety of his work lacks honesty, integrity, or credibility."

Ecuador is suing Chevron for $27 billion and for claims that between 1968 and 1992 Chevron / Texaco failed to clean up the Amazon Delta during and after its period of oil production, which stopped in 1992. Chevron asserts that it did clean up the area it was within and that since 1992, the state-run Petroecuador Company, which took over production from Chevron, has been responsible for the oil damage.

But the real, untold story is a messy and complex one, and has U.S. nonprofit organizations working as the "rabble rousers" for trail lawyers who claim to be concerned about the people of the Amazon, but have not sued the Government of Ecuador on that basis. An Ecuadorian judge, Judge Juan Nunez (who has since stepped down) and the government itself angling to make money from the Chevron lawsuit. And charges that the line of graft extends all the way to President Rafael Correa himself.

The real story is of a country that is just trying to nationalize its oil production. Ecuador has no real interest in cleaning up the Amazon, otherwise it would have changed the zoning to prohibit oil production long ago. The Ecuadorian Amazon has seen over 118 oil spills since Chevron left the region, yet Ecuador focuses on not just Chevron, but American Oil because it believes they have the resources and the cash such that they can be sued. The objective is simply to trap petrodollars for Ecuador's rich.

One of those who was allegedly working to gain a part of a $27 billion award was the man who came up with the number, Richard Cabrera. Chevron has been after Cabrera for over two years and with good reason. They simply feel he's not competent and attacked the methodology behind his initial findings of a $16 billion damage award, then went ape when he upped it to $27 billion without solid justification, accusing him of "Voodoo Economics."

The one fact that has long made Cabrera's estimates something from a cartoon is that Chevron has not operated in the region for 18 years, and the soil that Cabrera has looked at is not part of embargoed property; it's still used for oil production by Petroecuador and by Brazil, to name some of the organizations that have been active.

That economist Richard Cabrera has financial ties to Petroecuador explains how he could write an economic report that skips over almost 20 years of oil operations by Petroecuador, non-American oil firms and Brazil, and somehow point the finger at Chevron. Again, Ecuador believes America's companies are rich.

Ecuador has spent the better part of the Correa regime trying to scheme or outright take the means of oil production away from American companies. The greatest example of this being the ouster of Occidental Petroleum, and Ecuadorian workers getting into fist-fights over the left over luxury cars.

What would Richard Cabrera's ouster from the Chevron case mean? That the $27 billion damage claim was invalid. This news brought out Ecuador's lawyer Pablo Fajardo, who, according to the "It's getting hot in here" blog, said the following:

Cabrera disclosed to the court that he owned a clean-up company beforehis appointment as Special Master. This fact was properly cited by the court as one of the reasons he was qualified to do the damages assessment.

Chevron thought so highly of Cabrera’s qualifications that it accepted him as a court-appointed expert in an earlier part of the case and paid his fees as required by court rules.

The fact Cabrera’s company is qualified to bid on clean-up contracts offered by Ecuador’s state-owned oil company is irrelevant. That company, Petroecuador, is not a party to the case against Chevron and would have no role in any eventual cleanup.

Cabrera by virtue of his role in the case would be barred from having a role in a future clean-up.

Here, Pablo Fajardo is not telling the right tale and he's got paid bloggers helping him advance a mistruth. Ecuador is party to the case by its attorney general's own admission, and since Petroecuador is owned by Ecuador and is an oil company that too makes it a party to the case. That was settled long ago and by this blogger in this space. The best move for Cabrera is to step out of the matter.

If the organizations and bloggers attacking American oil companies really care about the poor of Ecuador, why don't they sue Ecuador? Hello? Answer?

Still don't have one.

Stay tuned.

Gmail buzz or Google Buzz is up, but for corporate accounts?

Gmail buzz or Google Buzz is up and active today, but the news and information put out by Google doesn't include anything regarding corporate accounts. When one such as this blogger clicks on Google Buzz to try it, he's taken to his personal Gmail account, which is seldom used.

Meanwhile, Gmail buzz or Google Buzz or GBuzz is a novell idea. Perhaps it came as a serendipity, but making email, which is already a kind of social networking device, into a real social networking system does transform Google from a potential buyer of Twitter to a competitor of Twitter and Facebook.

One can share videos and photos, and update their activity with friends. But Google Buzz isn't going to be a replacement for Twitter or Facebook, but another social network to be on,that many already are on. For internet marketers the best addition would be the ability to transfer, well, what do we call them..can't call them Twitter and then to Facebook as updates.

But the bottom line is when will corporate accounts be able to use the feature. That's the unanswered question.

For a comprehensive review of Google Buzz right from the presentation at Google Headquarters, read this TechCrunch post: Google Buzz.

Brooklyn Decker's sexy photos in S.I; Decker on David Letterman

Brooklyn Decker, who's claim to fame is being married to tennis star Andy Roddick, is coming into her own celeb space today, with sexy photos in S.I. (that's Sports Illustrated) where she's the 2010 Sports Illustrated Cover Girl. And with that, Brooklyn Decker's on David Letterman tonight.

Brooklyn (who needs a little more muscle, but that's my taste) tweeted that she's in the makeup room (as this is being written) getting ready for the 5 PM tapped show (that comes on at 11:30 PM). In fact, here's a photo from Twtpic:

Where Brooklyn tweets:With Vicki Steckle, Peter butler and chris getting ready in the letterman dressing room!"

Hey, I know Brooklyn's cool because she's hanging with my friend Darren Rovell!

NYC and DC Public Schools closed due to snow

The massive winter snow storm pummeling the Eastern Seaboard is causing NYC and DC Public School closures.

New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein said this in an e-mailed statement reported by Bloomberg: "While travel conditions to school in the morning may not be difficult, the weather is expected to worsen as the day progresses, complicating dismissal. We are making this decision today to give parents as much time as possible to make alternative plans for tomorrow."

Meanwhile, Washington DC is "snowed under" according to CNN. For the second day, businesses and schools were closed and the National Weather Service predicted another 10 to 20 inches of snow to be dumped on the Nation's Capital Wednesday.

Related searches:
nyc public schools closed, are nyc public schools closed tomorrow, nyc public schools closings, school closings nyc, public schools

Saints Parade in New Orleans starts at 5 PM Tuesday

Saints Parade in New Orleans starts at 5 PM Tuesday. The parade for the Super Bowl XLIV Champion New Orleans Saints, with general admission tickets at $25 for the viewing stands and VIP tickets at $100, promises to be "over the top" as one parade organizer said to in New Orleans.

Businesses will close and schools will be shut down for the giant event.

The parade was planned regardless of the Super Bowl XLIV outcome, meaning New Orleans will create any reason to party, but with the Saints victory over the Indianapolis Colts, it takes on more importance.


Also, CNN and the NFL Network have announced they will cover the parade live, and CBS News on USTREAM is going to have a live feed from the parade, which you can see here in this embed:

Video streaming by Ustream

Stay tuned.

Miley Cyrus charity auction for Haiti at

Miley Cyrus takes on a serious cause: providing relief for Haiti after the horror of the 7.0 Haiti Earthquake.

Miley Cyrus has joined with Nicole Richie, Britney Spears, Hugh Jackman, Demi Lovato, Ellen DeGeneres, Julianne Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg for the online event that runs through February 18th at Here's Miley Cyrus on the charity auction:

You can go to to bid on the Herve Leger dress Miley wore at the Grammy Awards as well as win two tickets to the premiere of her next movie, The Last Song.

Miley Cyrus has also teamed up with Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Susan Boyle, Alexandra Burke from The X-Factor, Rod Stewart, and Michael Buble, for a remake of REM's "Everybody Hurts" which will also benefit Haiti.

This should answer one emailers concern that I had "something against" Miley Cyrus. I don't. I'm glad to see she's out there helping.

Stay tuned.

Superbowl commercials 2010 - YouTube AdBlitz ends Valentines Day

Super Bowl XLIV is history, but the conversation about 2010 Superbowl commercials is ongoing, it seems. Especially with YouTube AdBlitz.

YouTube has ran a voting contest called YouTube AdBlitz, where you can vote for your favorite commercials from the most watched Super Bowl and most watched television program in history.

YouTube AdBlitz is still going, and runs through Valentines Day.

Check out YouTube AdBlitz here: and cast your vote for commercials like this one for The Wolfman:

Or this one for "Stranded": a BudLight Super Bowl commercial (one of my favorites):