Rachel Maddow, in pointing out that Rep. Aaron Schock criticized Democrats for economic stimulus spending programs, then shows up for ribbon cuttings of facilities funded by those same programs, embarrassed the neophyte GOP congressman from Illinois.
Rachel Maddow said:
...just this week you were at a community college touting a $350,000 green technology education program, talking about how great that was going to be for your district. You voted against the bill that created that grant. And so that's happening a lot with Republicans sort of taking credit for things that Democratic bills do, and then Republicans simultaneously touting their votes against them and trashing them. That's, I think, a, a, a problem that needs to be resolved within, within your caucus, because, I mean, you seem like a very nice person, but that's very hypocritical stance to take.
Here's a video of the MTP segment where Rachel Maddow punks Rep. Aaron Schock:
But there's a bigger problem than Rachel Maddow's embarrassing expose of Rep. Aaron Schock's actions and that's Rep. Aaron Schock's lack of knowledge of the details on that which he speaks. That's getting him into a lot of credibility trouble, especially at home in Illinois.
Billy Dennis of Peoria Pundit, a blog out of Peoria, Illinois, points out that Schock got "his facts wrong" when Schock stated that accused terrorists were not read their Miranda rights. Dennis found a CBS News account of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and F.B.I. Director Robert Muller explaining that the terrorist in question, Richard Reid, aka "The Show Bomber" , was read his Miranda rights, and that was during the Bush Administration.
Schock should spend more time studying, not sunning |
And The Atlantic Blogger Andrew Sullivan observed that Rep. Aaron Schock is "in over his head" after the GOP Congressman said he was "pro-torture" and explained that the method was working, when most in Washington, including many conservatives, knew that torture wasn't working.
Andrew Sullivan:
At some point, someone close to him needs to pull him aside and say "keep your head down, learn the issues before you go on television and start spewing things that can't be unsaid." The fact that he hasn't even toured the prison in his own district is pathetic.
Congressman Schock should heed Sullivan's advice before Illinois voters give him more time to work on his abs.
Stay tuned.