Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Howard Stern's slam of Gabourey Sidibe shows Stern's stupidity

There's no doubt that Howard Stern earns his salary by making outrageous statements. But Howard Stern's slam of Gabourey Sidibe from Precious shows Stern's stupidity. On Monday, on The Howard Stern Show, said this:

"There's the most enormous, fat black chick I've ever seen. She is enormous. Everyone's pretending she's a part of show business and she's never going to be in another movie"

Now it can be said that Howard Stern's the dumbest man on the planet. First, Howard Stern's comment was made in the context of Gabourey Sidibe already having starred in a movie, that being Precious.

Second, because Howard was so busy being prejudiced against fat women, especially "fat black chicks", he turned his brain off and forgot that the role for Gabourey was already created and she played in an independent film that became a major motion picture, and won a ton of awards.

But Howard was so intent on being nasty, all of that escaped him. Howard Stern proved people who discriminate are not smart, they're stupid.

What's really awful about Stern's blast is that no one accuses him of "playing the race card" in using the term "fat black chick"; but there are those, particularly White Supremacists, who would say this blogger's playing the race card in accusing Stern of being racist.

Howard Stern was being racist.

That one of Stern's sidekicks is a black woman is of no matter.   That will not stop Howard from making a racist comment and he did so in this case. What does Gabourey Sidibe's race have to do with her weight? Why did he feel the need to say "fat black chick."

According to The New York Daily News, Sidibe has already landed another role.

In The Big C, Gabourey plays "a smart-alecky student".

It's right to hope that the writers of The Big C write an episode where Gabourey Sidibe's character tells off Howard Stern. Stern can play a role he's very familiar with: loudmouthed, stupid radio talk show host.

Stay tuned.

Academy Awards' Oscars Farrah Fawcett snub still an issue

Perhaps because of the initial and shocking explanation, the Academy Awards' Oscars Farrah Fawcett snub - now called "Farrahgate" - is still an issue today, Wednesday. On The View, the hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Barbara Walters all expressed surprise and outrage that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) left Farrah Fawcett out of the Memorial tribute part of the Oscars.

And AMPAS Executive Director stepped in to clean up the public relations mess caused when AMPAS' communications head Leslie Unger used the unfortunate words "there are people who just can't be" on Monday.

Davis used words that were easier to digest than those uttered by Unger, but the damage, and the ill-feelings, are apparent and active. While Bruce Davis stands by the decision made to not include Farrah Fawcett, his words were apologetic in tone:

"There's nothing you can say to people, particularly to family members, within a day or two of the show that helps at all. They tend to be surprised and hurt, and we understand that and we're sorry for it."

AMPAS is also feeling the heat for leaving out legendary actors Gene Barry, Ricardo Montalban, Bea Arthur, and Ed McMahon. But the omission of Farrah Fawcett, reportedly a 40-year Academy member, is causing the biggest stir. Because of Twitter, the media chatter's amplified. Here's three of thousands of tweets on the matter..

miszjazzy90 so the academy issued the most backhanded apology for not including farrah fawcett in the memorium. shut up academy you kno you screwed up!
11 minutes ago from web

CamilaSolivier Sentimos falta: Academia se desculpa por ausĂȘncia de Farrah Fawcett em homenagem do Oscar #folhaonline
12 minutes ago from web

ElleQCasting Academy Director Explains Farrah Fawcett 'In Memoriam' Omission: The Academy explains why Farrah Fawcett was snub...
12 minutes ago from web

Perhaps Bruce Davis' words will cause Farrahgate to die down.

Stay tuned.

Corey Haim follows Michael Bryan and Andrew Koenig in tragic death

Corey Haim of the 1987 vampire flick The Lost Boys, follows Michael Bryan and Andrew Koenig in tragic deaths. Haim, now 38, was found dead in Loa Angeles Wednesday morning and police think it may have been due to a drug overdose. TMZ reports:

Corey Haim collapsed in the bedroom of his mother's apartment and four prescription bottles were found nearby ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

We've learned Corey had been sick the last couple of days with flu-like symptoms. The medications recovered, however, were not related to his illness, sources tell TMZ.

We're told no illicit drugs were found in the apartment.

Where other celebrity young men Michael Bryan and Andrew Koenig were suffering from depression, TMZ reported Corey Haim was "doing well" and was hanging out with his long-time friend Corey Feldman.

But whatever happened, his Mom discovered him in his LA apartment and called 911. The matter is in the hands of the LA County Corner's Office.

Sad to have to many deaths in so little time in 2010. Real sad.

Terrell Owens to join Chad Ochocinco and Cincinnati Bengals?

Related searches: Cincinnati Bengals, nfl free agents, free agency nfl, terrell owens bengals, Chad Ochocinco and t.o., nfl news

The news that Terrell Owens may join Chad Ochocinco Johnson and Cincinnati Bengals is enough to sell Bengals season tickets. Terrell Owens still has it, and someone at ESPN and The Associated Press can't read stats, because they reported Owens production went down. It did not.

Terrell Owens had almost exactly the same average receiving yards with the Buffalo Bills as he did with the Dallas Cowboys at 15 yards per catch. While the Buffalo Bills threw to Terrell Owens less, at 55 catches versus 69 with the Cowboys, he had his longest gain with the Bills, a 98-yard touchdown catch and run. T.O. still has it at 36 years old and it looks like the Cincinnati Bengals are set to sign him.

According Terrell Owens' Twitter account, he's making the meetings with the Bengals that someone who's about to be signed would make. Witness these Tweets:

@OGOchoCinco Holy macadamian nuts Robin or Roker!! I got a meet & greet 2morr w/the owner, wr coach & OC. My days starts @ 745am Roker!
about 11 hours ago via web in reply to OGOchoCinco

@OGOchoCinco yo 85! just finished dinner w/coach lewis about an hr ago, ate @ jeff ruby's, coach had a steak & i had sea bass. :-)
about 11 hours ago via web

And this latest one:

@OGOchoCinco Holy dancing shoes Robin/Roker!! How's the rehearsals goin out there? Should i call u Robin, Roker or Ochocinco?
about 11 hours ago via web in reply to OGOchoCinco

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Stephanie Birkitt, David Letterman, and Joe Halderman in the news

Last fall Stephanie Birkitt, David Letterman, and Joe Halderman were in the news. If you recall, David Letterman was threatened with black mail by former CBS News producer Joe Halderman.

 Halderman claimed that Letterman was having an affair with his assistant Stephanie Birkitt. Moreover, Halderman alleged that Letterman was known for having affairs with his female aides and was going to write a screenplay about it unless Letterman paid him $2 million.

Rather than run away from or knuckle under to Joe Halderman's black mail threat, David Letterman called the Manhattan District Attorney's office and then, in a funny, mater-of-fact, yet dramatic fashion that's now one of the classic moments of television, David Letterman gave this on-air confession starting with "I have a story to tell you..":

For a time after David's historic confession, he was trashed by some in the media and providing a better-than, hollier-than-thou; not here...

...but the public quickly warmed to Letterman's honesty, and very soon he regained his reputation and respect.

Meanwhile, Stephanie Birkitt became a hot internet search and Joe Halderman declined from respected news journalist to a person labeled an extortionist.

Today, Joe Halderman pled guilty to blackmailing David Letterman. The plea carries a sentence of four-and-a-half years in prison and 1,000 hours of community service. Here's Halderman:

Will David Letterman get a Tuesday rating boost from this news? Will he talk about it tonight? Stay tuned.

Layla Grace on Twitter, passes at 2-years-old from Neuroblastoma

Layla Grace Marsh, a lovely little girl who's life was literally posted on Twitter at @LaylaGrace,, passed away at 2-years-old from Neuroblastoma on Tuesday.

Layla went to play with the angels early this morning. Rest in peace precious Layla. 11/26/2007 - 3/9/2010
about 6 hours ago via web

First, what is Neuroblastoma? According to Google Health, it is...

is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that develops from nerve tissue. It occurs in infants and children.

Layla Grace Marsh's parents used Twitter to track their daughter progress in dealing with the cancer and to gain additional help, medical and psychological.

It's more than sad to lose a child, but to lose your child in public view is a pain unimaginable. The Marsh's feel obligated to share their loss and pain with all of us, which can be comforting, but draining as well.

One example of this is in the constant crashing of the server hosting Layla Grace's website at It happened twice last week, so Layla's father had to go in and repair and upgrade the server for the onslaught of traffic.

Daddy had to upgrade the web server to handle all of the traffic. Lots of love for Layla!!! Site is back up now.
2:37 PM Mar 7th via Tweetie

But technical issues aside, the main question some are asking is, is sharing a death on Twitter the "new norm". If one's at least half-way tech savvy and communicative there's no way to avoid the desire to share a loss. I've observed that the public sharing of a family death falls into two main camps: those who do and those who don't.

Personally, it's more cathartic to share the news but that's me.

May Layla Grace Marsh rest in peace.

Ohio State shooting - Nathaniel Brown is the new Amy Bishop

In an incident that's very much like that surrounding University of Alabama - Huntsville Professor Amy Bishop, Nathaniel Brown is the focus of Tuesday morning's Ohio State shooting. According to the Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal, two people who were co-workers were killed by Nate Brown.

Nathaniel Brown is reportedly a custodial worker who, according to Ohio State University Police Chief Paul Denton, was allegedly upset over a poor job performance evaluation. The 51-year old Brown died at Ohio State University Medical Center after self-inflicted gun shot wounds.

Brown killed Ohio State building-services manager Larry Wallington; operations manager Henry Butler is in stable condition as of this writing.

This is the second university related, job-related shooting in as many months. Amy Bishop opened fire in a meeting at the University of Alabama - Huntsville and killed co-workers Gopi K. Podila, Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson. Reportedly, Amy Bishop was concerned she would lose her battle for tenure, which was the case.

Also in February, Joe Stack snapped and burned his own home down with his wife and daughter in it (they were rescued) and crashed a plane into the IRS Building in Austin, Texas. The reason was job-related stress in that Stack, while self employed, was not making ends meet to his comfort and railed against the Federal Tax system.

Stay tuned.

Academy Awards' words on Oscars Farrah Fawcett snub were horrible

Related searches: The Oscars, Ryan O'Neal, Farrah Fawcett, Farrah Fawcett tribute Oscars, Leslie Unger, EOnline

The Internet's abuzz with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences snub of Farrah Fawcett, who passed away last year. In the Memoriam segment at the 2010 Oscars, Farrah Fawcett, who's film credits span 19 movies, including The Cannonball Run, and Logan's Run, was not included.

According to EOnline, Leslie Unger, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Director of Communications, said this about Oscar's Farrah Fawcett snub:

"I would not say that it was an oversight. No matter how carefully and how conscientiously people address who is included, there are people who just simply can't be."

People who just simply can't be? Those are horrible words to chose to issue. Ms. Unger should issue a quick note of apology - better yet a YouTube video - for that statement.

Consider that Leslie Unger issued a statement about a person who died who said that person "just simply can't be."

And Leslie Unger did not make it any better, as EOnline reports, she said:

"In any given year there will always be some people that other people think should have been included and that there's more justification for one person versus another. It is impossible to include everybody."

This blogger wonders if Unger's in over her head. The word around town in Hollywood and Beverly Hills is that Unger's "difficult" to work with and worse words were issued to this blogger.

The Farrah Fawcett episode does not help for one who's casual style - Unger was sporting a very cool tie-dye t-shirt on Oscar Sunday morning - is endearing to this space. But Unger's got to really sit down, think carefully and intelligently and take a new path before the town unloads on her. What she said and its insensitivity gives fuel to those who make the kinds of claims about Unger that have been issued.

Hopefully for Unger the Oscars Farrah Fawcett snub isn't the straw that broke the camel's back.

Stay tuned.

Marie Osmond son Michael Bryan's funeral after suicide

Related searches: marie osmond sons funeral, michael bryan, marie osmond son s death, osmond funeral, michael bryan osmond

Marie Osmond son Michael Bryan's (michael Blosil) funeral was held Monday after his suicide attempt, falling from his LA apartment building on February 26th.

"Thank you for those beautiful 18 years," Osmond said according to EOnline. Marie Osmond was joined by her brothers Donny, Alan, Merrill, Jay, Wayne and Jimmy and their older brothers, Tom and Virl.

Reportedly, Michael Bryan took his life over the same depression problems faced by 41-year-old Andrew Koenig, who took his own life just a week earlier.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Academy Awards 2010 Oscar winners list‎

Finally, the Academy Awards 2010 Oscar winners list‎. The 2010 Academy Awards is history, in more ways than one, but before we focus on the many historic events that took place on and before Oscar Sunday, below is a video recap of some of Oscar's best moments, followed by the full list of winners, listed by category with the winner in bold.

Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin Opening The 2010 Oscars:

Sandra Bullock's Acceptance Speech for Best Actress:

Mo'nique's Acceptance Speech for Best Supporting Actress:

Jeff Bridges' Acceptance Speech for Best Actor:

Performance by an actor in a leading role: Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart
Performance by an actor in a supporting role: Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds
Performance by an actress in a leading role: Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side
Performance by an actress in a supporting role: Mo'Nique in Precious
Best animated feature film of the year: Disney / Pixar's UP
Achievement in art direction: Avatar
Achievement in cinematography: Avatar
Achievement in costume design: The Young Victoria
Achievement in directing: The Hurt Locker Kathryn Bigelow
Best documentary feature: The Cove
Best documentary short subject: Music by Prudence
Achievement in film editing: The Hurt Locker
Best foreign language film of the year: The Secret in Their Eyes (El Secreto de Sus Ojos)
Achievement in makeup: Star Trek
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score): Up
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song): “The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart)”
Best motion picture of the year: The Hurt Locker
Best animated short film: Logorama
Best live action short film: The New Tenants
Achievement in sound editing: The Hurt Locker
Achievement in sound mixing: The Hurt Locker
Achievement in visual effects: Avatar
Adapted screenplay: Precious
Original screenplay: The Hurt Locker

The Oscars: Alec Baldwin at The Polo Lounge, The Beverly Hills Hotel's power outages

Beverly Hills, CA - If there's one rule in life this blogger learned this Oscar weekend in Hollywood and Beverly Hills, it's to do normal in your life path and you will get the extraordinary for better or worse. "Worse" already came in the form of my head injury; I was ready for something better.

After blogging, tweeting, and making videos about Oscar winners The Hurt Locker for Best Picture and Katheryn Bigelow for Best Director, at the Night of 100 Stars Oscar Party, and closing down the media section, being almost the last person to leave, relaxation was in order. The Beverly Hills Hotel's Polo Lounge was the destination.

The famous Polo Lounge is described by the hotel as "favorite breakfast spot and watering hole for generations of stars and Hollywood deal-makers" and it does live up to that claim. Before the Night of 100 Stars Oscar Party started, I made a bee line for The Polo Lounge for lunch.

Just about five minutes after I was seated at a prime table for seeing people or just being left alone, I saw a great pair of athletic female legs in a killer backless black dress walk elegantly but briskly by me, followed by a man in a dark grey suit with an upright walk and very tightly combed and moused hair. The man turned out to be the legendary actor and author George Hamilton, who I'm told is a regular at The Polo Lounge.
George Hamilton 

Then Hamilton and his lovely, leggy blonde female companion were seated at a round booth already occupied by a man who looked very much like Stephen Fry, who was also with a female companion. I'd never seen Fry in person before. It just so happens that Fry and I follow each other on Twitter, so I messaged him to confirm this. An update soon, assuming he answers back.

Just five minutes after that small celebrity event, and the arrival of my Ahi Tuna appetizer, I overheard someone behind me talking about what food orders their friends wanted. The voice was so close I had to turn my head to see who it was. It's was a casually dressed Byron Allen.

Byron Allen is best known as a television talk show host who most recently had a show I remember called The American Athlete but I don't know what he's up to now. To find out for this blog post, I did some quick internet poking about and learned he's head of a very interesting new media company called Entertainment Studios. The company produces shows like Comics Unleashed With Byron Allen. From what I've read Allen's fought to build an entertainment business on his own terms; it seems like he's finally found something that works for him.

There may have been other celebrities in my vision that I didn't know, but frankly I was starving and only had so much time before I had to get ready for the event. The food at The Polo Lounge is decent; nothing to really rave about but fills the bill. I enjoyed my salmon and scrambled eggs with a Mimosa, water, and coffee, and a copy of The Sunday New York Times provided by the restaurant. After the brunch offerings were consumed, I went to get ready for the event.

Fast forward to after The Night of 100 Stars Party. I went back to the same Polo Lounge and wound up having a lively conversation with two people - one is a woman who's such the regular at The Polo Lounge they call her "Miss" in a familiar way. (To explain, the staff calls everyone Mr. or Miss, but in her case one could tell she's a regular.) That was confirmed as she and I talked and she invited me to join her for dinner at a table not far from the bar.

The bar scene at The Polo Lounge last night was wild, and one that's best viewed with someone who knows the run of the joint; that was my female companion. There were any number of women in short, short skirts and dresses, some from the "Night" party, others who came in from other Oscar-related events, and some who are hotel guests or live nearby.

There was the tall, blonde Jennifer Aniston look-alike with the booming voice who could not keep her dress from hiking up over her thighs talking to an obviously toasted man at the bar. Another quartet of women at a table next to us that my female friend saw looking at a photo of two women in an interesting position. The women at that table were joined by two well-dressed men, both white, and then another man who, in a t-shirt, was just out of place in the establishment. "Oh, look" my female friend said, "They're trying to make that t-shirt guy leave. Drama's developing." Whatever was said, the furor died down and he stayed.

Just as that matter was over, the lights went off. All of them. It was totally black. That was the third time that happened that evening. I don't know why. But what was funny was what I saw when the lights came up: one woman with her legs wrapped around some guy hugging him, who immediately got off him when the lights came up. Too funny.

Just as we were eating our appetizers, Mr. Alec Baldwin walked in like the conquering hero from a war, in this case, hosting the 82nd Annual Academy Awards. Alec Baldwin looked over to our area, apparently knew someone not me, and waved. I thought it polite to give a wave and nod back, and did so. My female companion said "No. Now, he'll never walk over here." I shrugged indifferently. Baldwin looked like he was on his way to another place in the hotel anyway, and I was just happy he walked by.

On the matter of walking, an aside. Alec Baldwin reminds me of my good friend Phil Tagami, who lives in Oakland and rebuilt the Fox Theater and The Rotunda. Phil and Alec both talk alike, walk alike and are built alike. They have that walk where their bodies are constantly leaning slightly forward. Phil Tagami and Alec Baldwin at the same table would be a hoot.

After we finished out meal, which was at closing time for The Polo Lounge, my female companion had some wine-fueled idea of going to what she believed was Alec Baldwin's party. I tagged along thinking she knew someone and having no idea what I was getting into.

So my female companion led me downstairs to another restaurant that had a large diner-like round table. In it was Alec Baldwin and a bunch of people I didn't recognize; I was along for the ride anyway. But just fast as the man who opened the door for us let us in and we sat down, the same guy came over and said "There's a problem because there's one bill and they are only buying food for their group." That was cool with me as I expected to pay for my own meal anyway. But he said they had no way of dividing the tab, and I didn't complain and I was just plain tired anyway.

But my female companion fell into tears.

So I had to explain that it wasn't the end of the World and we could go elsewhere. "No," she whispered, "they let us sit here and that's embarrassing to ask us to leave." But I got her to agree to leave and go upstairs. "OK," she said, "talk me down from this." So we sat down and I explained that being in or out of a room with Alec Baldwin or anyone else is not a measure of one's worth. The bottom line is we didn't know them. Period. "But did you see the woman from Vogue was in there?" she said. I didn't notice. The question is, I told my friend, "do they know us?"

Just as I managed to make her feel better, who comes up the stairs but Alec Baldwin himself, and in a rush. But as he went by, he looked over and again said hello, how are you, but was in stride, followed by six women, one of them dressed in a white bathrobe and slippers! I obviously was paying no attention to what was going on down there, but whatever happened, Baldwin departed as quickly as he came, walking again like Phil Tagami.

My female companion then gave me a tour of the hotel, which is divided into interesting bungalows. Then we bid our good-byes and I left. After one small adventure after another it was time for sleep. For a guy who didn't get an invite to The Vanity Fair Oscar Party, I have a feeling the party came to me.

Stay tuned. I'll post more videos and blogs from the Oscars after I return home today. But this one could not wait.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Oscar winners 2010 - The Hurt Locker upsets Avatar

The 2010 Academy Awards is history and of the Oscar winners for 2010 the talk is how the The Hurt Locker upset Avatar. And at the Night of 100 Stars Party at The Beverly Hills Hotel, the conversation was thick with why Avatar lost to The Hurt Locker. (It wasn't an upset here. This blogger missed correctly predicting six of the total number of Oscar winner categories, and missed none of the major Oscar awards.)

First some housecleaning: congratulations to Katheryn Bigelow on becoming the first female director to win an Oscar for Best Director for The Hurt Locker, which then went on to win Best Picture. It really is about time.

Second, this issue in brief as they're taking down the light stands and breaking down the media room around this blogger after the Night of 100 Stars Party. The bottom line is that it's easier to make a movie with great special effects more so than it is a timely film with a good story. The Best Picture is the film that's a story that causes one to think about the World around them. The Hurt Locker, in so many ways, was that movie.

Ok. I've got to jam out of here. More videos and blog posts coming from a great Oscar Sunday!