Tuesday, May 11, 2010

United Airlines Flight ORD to SFO Middle Seat 40 D on B-767

This blog post is for anyone who's ever had the middle seat on a wide-bodied plane. In this case, the aircraft was a United Airlines Boeing 767 on the way from Chicago to San Francisco. This is a trip I commonly make as part of my monthly trek to Georgia to help my Mom. I travel by stand-by and on United Airline, the carrier I grew up with, which means I get what's available; sometimes it's first class and sometimes it's economy class. My preference is for either first class or if it's economy, the exit row.

In this case, I was in the back, in the middle.

What I can't stand are people who can't seem to keep to themselves. Either their head rolls to you when they're asleep. Or they cover the entire armrest with their arm. Or they sick their leg into your space. It's almost as if being in the middle gives them some weird license to think they can violate your space.

It wasn't always that way. I can remember a time when people were more respectful of the space of others. Of course, there was more room in what was called "coach" then, too. Now, the "economy" designation makes riding on some airplanes like being on giant buses. Hence the term "airbus."

To this blogger flying will always be that something where you put on your best behavior, making sure to treat everyone with kindness and courtesy.

Of course, if we all did that, there would be no need for airport security checks and 911 would have never happened.

That would be a cool World to live in. We had it once; I just don't know what happened.

Erica Blasberg: LPGA star update, Gordon Brown talk - Zennie62 USTREAM

The latest news on Erica Blasberg is that she was packing to fly to Alabama at the time she passed away in her Henderson, Nevada home Monday according to USA Today. As of this writing, there's still no official cause of her death, and police have not told Erica Blasberg's parents what happened to their daughter.

Meanwhile British Prime Minister Gordon Brown stepped down Tuesday, thus bring an end to 13 years of Labor Party government and opening a new door to chaos. Now, Britain embarks on a new journey where "our country has a hung Parliament, where no party has a clear majority" as new PM David Cameron said in his first speech.

Conservative leader David Cameron took Gordon Brown's place as prime minister and did so to a loud chorus of boos on the way to and in front of 10 Downing Street.

How long before Camerson gets a vote of no-confidence as he lacks a clear majority?

All this and more in our talk at Zennie62 on USTREAM at 6 PM EST / 3 PM PST Tuesday.
Here's the URL link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zennie62

Jim Morrison Lena Horne Lawrence Taylor - Suzannah B. Troy

I just made a new YouTube and I touch on many different topics including Jim Morrison, Lena Horne, Lawrence Taylor and his victim actually wishing him well and briefly on NYC politics.  I will post my YouTube at the bottom of this piece.  Here goes....

For Jim Morrison fans, Tom DiCillio's "When You're Strange" will be free to watch on PBS tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 9:00PM.  In response to my YouTube about Tom coming to talk to the audience after a screening at Angelika's on Houston St. in NYC,  I have had people from all over the world write me including in Spanish asking me how they can see Tom's new film with never before seen footage of a young Jim Morrison which are out takes from his film "HWY".   Now I can tell you the film is on TV tomorrow night!

Please remember if you do get to tune in that Jim's girlfriend's mom has creative control because she had footage Tom needed so that effects the telling of part of the story...anyway for Jim Morrison fans this will be quite a pleasure.   The audience was jam packed to the brim with Jim Morrison fan's and they loved the film and thanked Tom/  They also did not like Oliver Stone's version "The Doors" at all and either did Pam's mom.

On to the icon, great beauty, chanteuse, actress and Civil Rights activist Lena Horne.  I found this quote actually in the editorial section of The New York Post by Quincy Jones today and I had to post it.  I discuss her as well in my new Youtube.

"Lena Horne was a pioneering groundbreaker, making inroads into a world that had never before been explored by African-American women, and she did it on her own terms. Our nation and the world has lost one of the great artistic icons of the 20th century."
— Composer/arranger Quincy Jones on the death Sunday of the legendary singer and actress at the age of 92

Next, Lawrence Taylor and a NY Daily News article today that gets in to the gory details including that yes indeed LT had sex with her, the lights were down low so you didn't recognize him.  She had been beaten by her pimp and just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.  There was a concern about the condom coming off on her part and he said don't worry, he is shooting blanks.  Bottom line is she said the room was dark so maybe he did not see she had been beaten, who knows but she is a huge Giant fan and wishes him well.  She does want the pimp to go to jail for a long time.  Click on the link to read more. 

For all those asking what was he doing and why did he ask for a professional sex worker.  I don't know. I did watch an interview and his wife said if in fact he did cheat on her, he is in trouble.  Clearly she is not going to grab a golf club.  She sound calm and reasonable.   Why?  I guess it is uncomplicated in a guy's mind to have sex, pay and leave.  No relationships or drama but LT's case who knows what the collateral damage will be besides jail time, losing sponsors...etc.  I can't imagine.

The real victim who is underage so we her name is never mentioned is trying to break free of this and get her life straight.  She wants to get her GED and become a pediatrician.  

I found an amazing article on  an ex-child prostitute who got her law degree and now is an activist fighting to get kids off the streets and break free.

Pete Carroll: NCAA punishment of USC would be "surprise"

Seattle Coach Pete Carroll 
Seattle Seahawks Head Coach Pete Carroll was interviewed by Dan Patrick on The Dan Patrick Show today, Tuesday. Patrick, to his credit, did not duck from asking Carroll several pointed questions about the NCAA's investigation into alleged NCAA rules violations at Carroll's last employer, The University of Southern California. Carroll said he would be "surprised" if the NCAA punished USC.

The NCAA is expected to make a ruling this week on the allegations that USC violated NCAA rules in the basketball and football programs. In the case of the football program, the NCAA opened an investigation into charges of illegal benefits given to then USC Running Back Reggie Bush during his final year at USC. (Bush is now with the NFL's New Orleans Saints.)

And the NCAA announced that a Pac-10 coach violated NCAA rules when he retained a paid consultant to watch practice and attend games. While the NCAA does not name Pete Carroll, bloggers speculate that the NCAA could be referring to Carroll's hiring of Pete Rodriguez to focus on USC's kicking game.

On The Dan Patrick Show, Pete Carroll said there was much he did not know surrounding what went on at USC that led to the allegations. Carroll was head football coach at USC where he won two national championships, and several Pac-10 Championships. Carroll said "it's hard to control" every aspect of an athletic program.

On Seattle Seahawks-related issues, Pete Carroll told Dan Patrick he was pleased with the Seahawks 2010 Draft class and added that 1st round choice Russell Okung was already showing promise of being a special player, and 2nd round pick Golden Tate has already made big plays in minicamps.

What's interesting about The Dan Patrick Show interview of Pete Carroll is their promos leading up to it said nothing about asking Carroll about his possible role in the NCAA rules scandal. Yet, almost half of the interview consisted of questions and conversation about that issue. You could almost feel the energy come out of the room as the focus turned to the NCAA. Coach Carroll went from being energetic and happy to slow and somber in his speech. I wonder if he felt blindsided. It sure sounded that way.

Carroll's going to be really dogged by what happened as USC if the NCAA surprises him with some kind of punishment. He should get used to the questions. One just can't run away from a mess.

Stay tuned.

Giuseppi Logan reunion Part 2 post by Suzannah B. Troy

Bobby Paulino keeps sending me edited pieces of the documentary I suggested Jaee Logan make when we were first connected by his friend David who was following my YouTube documentary of his Dad. I also suggested a Hollywood film like The Soloist and that Jaee could set up a charity to help musicians and artists like his Dad as was down with Nathianl Ayers, the subject of the book and film.  I suggested to Jaee that he starting writing in a journal in preparation for a book as well.  Here is my YouTube series starting with the first video of Giuseppi Logan playing on a freezing cold day to an empty park and a 20 part series still on going that brought a reunion of Father and Son.  Pete Gershon, publisher of Signal to Noise wrote a powerful piece which also honors and acknowledges my work on Giuseppi Logan called "Out from the Shadow".  I believe because of Peter's powerful writing and my YouTube discovering Giuseppi Logan which rocked the jazz world this led to Josh Rosenthal of Tompkins Square Park records to get him in the studio and make a new album mostly with original work.Giuseppi Logan Quintet (Dig)  The new CD, Giuseppi Logan's first since the 1960's is a successful and was received with very strong powerful reviews.  There were some in the music world that thought Josh Rosenthal was wasting his time and that GL was shot but Rosenthal proved them wrong. You should know that Giuseppi was married before he met Jaee's Mom and had many children.  There were problems and maybe it was undiagnosed mental illness.  I do not know.  He said she had him arrested and put in mental institutions.  Jaee has a different take on this saying she did not support his music and wanted him to have a 9-5 job which was a killer for him.  Music was and is his life line. He was divorced and re-married a woman who understood his love for music and came to New York City were he could pursue fame and fortune.  As you here him say.  He found fame but not fortune.  It is very sad and upsetting but I don't think he got much for those two successful records.  As we filmed a man stopped which was caught on camera and said Giuseppi Logan, you records got me through college.  He shook Giuseppi's hand. Giuseppi Logan studied at The New England Conservatory and when GL self destructed Jaee's Mom took Jaee to California.  Jaee was an honor student and he went to college studying music as well. You will hear Father and Son discuss Giuseppi Logan playing with all the famous musicians including Charlie Coltrane and Jaee as a little boy played with their kids.  Giuseppi played with Coltrane, Mingus, Sun Ra and more Jazz greats as he contributed his own unique compositions to what is called the free jazz movement. Matt Lavelle join forces with Giuseppi Logan when Logan came in to buy a reed.  Matt kept getting Giuseppi Logan gigs and formed a ban.  This was a life saver for Giuseppi because music is is life force and it also lead to him making money.  Josh Rosenthal even gave Lavelle producer credit on the new CD, The Giuseppi Logan Quintet which includes Francios Grillot, Warren Smith and David Burrell In my series Giuseppi thanks the people of New York.  He tells me he found out from his friend using the computer that people thought he was dead.  He got a little money and took a bus to NYC where people gave him help.  He found shelter although I had heard reports at times he was homeless and people gave him clothing and instruments.  An amazing Salvation Army Angel got him a small room close to Tompkins which is his life line.  He told me people here in NY gave him instruments.  The Jazz Foundation has also been helping him and gave him an instruments, a bass clarinet and flute but the flute is not playing right. I call Giuseppi Logan this morning.  I started very early and he picks up at 7am.  Giuseppi I have great news.  I just got confirmation you son is coming back this month.  I believe for your birthday on May 22.  Giuseppi hadn't heard from Jaee and he was worried he may not return.  He is returning Giuseppi. I asked GL who else he played with and here are a few more names. Giuseppi  played with so many people and here are so morewith Roland Kirk ,  Eddie Gomez, Eric Dolphy  and even  Dizzy Gillespie! I had to leave to go to a meeting but before I did I suggested Jaee and Giuseppi walk over to where Charlie Parker lives.  I couldn't go with them. I wish I could have.  Enjoy the 2nd part in a series Jaee Logan is putting together and a sad reminder Jaee lost his only son to gun violence and he has an organization set up with the goal to stop the violence. Giuseppi has some gigs coming up.  Here is the first in at least 3 that are booked ...IPR in Brooklyn 10pm 5/14 www.issueprojectroom.org Brecht forum 9pm 5/16 9pm www.brechtforum.org He is also going to be on a jazz radio show in Newark the day before his birthday...I have a lot going on so you have to contact Matt Lavelle for more info.  You can join his facebook page, myspace or email him lavelle.matt@gmail.com. Again I have to say I am so honored and proud to be part of this YouTube miracle and helped Giuseppi out from the shadow as Pete Gerhshon describes it and even writing this was work. I am tired.  Thanks to Tim Madison for pushing me to keep filming.

Erica Blasberg: LPGA star dies at 25; 911 call by unidentified person

Erica Blasberg
UPDATE: Dr. Thomas Hess guilty of obstruction of justice.

25-year-old LPGA golfer Erica Blasberg was found dead in her home in Henderson, Nevada Monday. The cause of death was unknown as of this writing. TMZ.com reports that law enforcement is conducting a "death investigation" of the Orange County born, two-time All-American, 2003 NCAA Freshman of the Year and 2003 Pacific-10 Player of the Year from The University of Arizona who turned pro in 2004.

Blasberg's agent Chase Callahan released this statement:

We are devastated to learn of the passing of Erica Blasberg. To most of the world, Erica was known as a professional golfer, but she was more than that. She was a loving daughter to her parents and a compassionate and loyal friend. Erica had a good heart, was extremely kind and very thankful for what she had in her life.

It's hard to tell what's happened with Erica Blasberg of late because her website blog has not been updated in 13 months and her Twitter page is gone.

While TMZ gives a sketch, the Press-Enterprise has a more ominous text from her father:

"At first glance it looks like she might have taken her own life, but at second glance, something is very, very strange about it," said Erica's father, Mel Blasberg, by phone from Nevada. "We're waiting for the police to make an investigation, it's a pending investigation.

"Either way, I lost her and it's impossible to deal with."
Her parents lost their only child

ESPN reports that police responded to a 911 call, but they did not say who made the call.  

Online accounts paint Erica Blasberg as a fun-loving, free-sprited woman who was not caught up in her celebrity. Shane Bacon of FanHouse, who was a friend of Erica's and had the rare pleasure of being her caddy last year in Phoenix, posted this:

I just woke up at 7:58 AM PT. I opened Jimmy Roberts "Breaking the Slump" last night at 10:00 PM and read exactly one word before completely passing out. Needless to say, I was pretty exhausted from a long week of caddying for Erica Blasberg.

First, I'd like to thank Erica. I'm sure I cost her two shots a round, but it was fun she couldn't have been more pleasant to work with. If there is a tour player perfect for this little experiment it would be her.

And Erica wrote a long account of their time together. Here's part of it:

He quickly eased my fears though when a couple holes later I tried to get my own yardage. I didn't properly add the numbers and Shane quickly helped with my math skills and fixed my mistake for me. But besides all those technical things it was great having Shane out there. He kept me laughing and relaxed most of the four days and more importantly didn't let me get down on myself for too long after a bad hole. It might be that we get along so well off the course that made our chemistry on the course so solid, but whatever it was I think I can honestly say that besides not having the results i was hoping for (damn you Camelback Mountain, not all putts broke away from you!) I really had one of my favorite weeks on tour in my five year career. Thanks Shane for putting up with me and all of my many putter tosses ... hope your shins don't hurt too bad!

Shane wrote a moving account of their friendship over at Yahoo!

Erica's representatives took great pains to keep her personal life off the Internet. In the Q and A section of her website, Erica responded to a fan, Mike Barry of Corona, Ca, who seemed frustrated that his questions weren't answered. This is what she wrote to him online:

"Mike I'm sorry your previous questions were not answered. It's impossible for me to answer the many questions sent and trust my agent; Rep1Sports to do the filtering. Things like: a request for autographed pictures ( joining my fan club would include that), although flattering, questions about meeting me, or if I'm single and anything outside of golf, are things that I never see. My fan base is one of the things that makes playing golf professionaly, wonderful. I enjoy the Q & A section of my website, so keep those questions coming."

What's interesting is that Erica Blasberg is from the same Corona town Mike Barry apparently lived in at the time of online contact.  Maybe it's nothing.

Stay tuned.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Southwest Airlines Rapping Steward should be on United Airlines

The best thing about YouTube is finding that gem of a video while searching for some other kind of video. That was the case with the famous FUNNY STEWARD SOUTHWEST AIRLINES RAPPING SAFETY INFORMATION video.

The video features an African American Southwest Airlines steward by the name of David Holmes who explains that the boredom of working on five flights that day has compelled him to "shake things up" and with the audience clapping to a beat, he goes into what could only be called a classic rap. It goes like this:

This is Flight Three-Seven-Two on SWA.
The flight attendants on board serving to today
Terresa in the middle, David in the back
My name is David and I'm here to tell you that
Shortly after take off, first things first
There's soft drinks and coffee to quench your thirst
But if you want another kind of drink, then just holla
Alcoholic beverages'll be four dollars
If a Mansever Food and Drink is your plan
That'll be three dollars and you'll get the whole than
We won't take your cash; you pay with plastic
If you have a coupon that's fantastic
We know ya ready to get to new places
Open up the bins, port away your suitcases
Carryon items go under the seat
In front of you so none of you have things by your feet
If you have a seat on a row with an exit
We're gonna talk to you so you might as well expect it
You gotta help evacuate in case we need you
If you don't wanna then we're gonna reseat you
Before we leave, our advice is, put away your electronic devices
Fasten your seat belt
Then put your trays up
Press the button to make the seat back raise up
Sit back relax
Have a good time
It's almost time to go so I'm done with the rhyme.
Thank you for the fact that I wans't ignored
This is Southwest Airlines, welcome aboard.

David gets all the girls 
A great, classic rap! What's funnier still is at the end, David Holmes says "You're not going to get that on United Airlines!"

Man, I so wish he was wrong. If someone working for United Airlines sees this, form a rapping crew group!

What amazing is that even though the video was uploaded over a year ago, it's only clocked a quarter of a million views rather than one million views.

And on the matter of the past year, Holmes' has a Facebook group with just over 400 fans. That's an outrage. It should be 4,000 fans. Visit his page and press the like button, please!

Stay tuned!

Megan Avalon: Pamela Sue Anderson and female bodybuilder in one

Megan Avalon 
After her win in the Sports Division of the 2010 Silver and Black Classic, Marin County Personal Trainer Megan Avalon is a major step closer to to objective of getting out the message that a woman can be both obviously strong and muscular, and beautiful and sexy. Think Pamela Sue Anderson and Barbie.

With the guidance of her trainer Jennifer Cowan, a professional bodybuilding legend, Megan Avalon has worked to hone and refine her amazing look.

Megan's one part Pamela Sue Anderson, another part Barbie, mixed with Jillian Michaels and female bodybuilder. It's just a matter of time before she's discovered and not just for her looks, but because she's well spoken. Megan talks very well on the mic, on video, and in person.

This space has helped promote Megan and sponsors her on Zennie62.com; not agents but major league fans. Megan's objective fit right in line with a long-held desire this blogger has had to alter and change how society thinks about women going all the way back to 2003 and really beyond that point in time.

Megan should be on the cover of The Sports Illustrated Women's Swimsuit Edition or at least right there with Brooklyn Decker.  (Now if we can only get Dan Patrick to speak up!)

In the past, women with muscles have been shunned and women's bodybuilding thought of as a "strange" practice and not even a sport. But the slowly advancing industrial society, in expanding labor, education, and athletic opportunities for women gave rise to the strong woman, almost before fashion and image arbiters could catch up.

Brandi Chastain

Now, thanks to Nike and Brandi Chastain's amazing and iconic moment, that's where we are at today. A total disconnect between the true image of women and that in the World of fashion.

Megan Avalon can bring those Worlds together. The image that needs to be seen is the one she has. Most modeling agencies have pushed the opposite: someone who looks like Megan but is skinny and weak. All agencies except for one: Wilhelmina International, Inc.

Last year, Wilhelmina International, Inc. partnered with Shape and Men’s Fitness magazines (both owned by American Media) and started a contest to find the best male and female fit models.

And while Megan Avalon did not know about the contest to enter it and win, the simple fact that such a legendary modeling organization as Wilhelmina would look for women with muscle as a look to promote is a major step forward in fashion. It's only a matter of time before Megan is recognized as the best fit woman model in America.

Megan is using a number of methods to advance her image, from websites and blogs to bodybuilding contests and webcam shows. The combination is building a fanbase that can lead to movies and video games.

Yes, movies and video games. Megan's look means numbers and as her popularity grows her value as a celebrity image for entertainment platforms increases too. The 2010 WonderCon was a hotbed for images of strong women in comic books and in movies like Kick-Ass, who's most popular character is a young woman who's not afraid to, well, kick-ass.

Megan's path is like that of Pamela Sue Anderson: from modeling to acting and movies. But the difference is Megan's promoting what it means to be very healthy, very strong, and very female.

Megan Avalon's website MeganAvalon.net will be finished soon.

Lena Horne Civil Rights Activist Icon passes post by Suzannah B. Troy

Lena Horne was a great beauty, a beautiful person, singer, performer, icon and Civil Rights activist. Growing up in Bed Stuy Brooklyn her peers treated her badly because of her light black skin. They said she had a white father which was not true.

Lena Horne was the first African American Actress to have a contract with a major Hollywood studio with a clause stipulating she did not have to play any demeaning or stereotypical roles according to this blog I linked to and also was a favored and loved presence at The Apollo Theatre.

She was a ground breaker and a fighter for Civil Rights and she contributed and helped pave the way for other thanks to her activism and courage. She died at 92 years old here in NYC New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and she had her family with her.

Below a quote from The New York Post Editorial section from Quincy Jones, May 11, 2010.
— Composer/arranger Quincy Jones on the death Sunday of the legendary singer and actress at the age of 92

I remember Liz Smith was a big admirer of Lena Horne and I was invited to a function dedicated to her. Her daughter came in her place if memory serves me right.

Lena Horne was very humble and down played her talents but she truly was a compelling performer, a great beauty, a loved Mother and an activist that made a difference and will be missed.

She was born here 92 years old and she passed away her in NYC...full circle fully loved...

I think of Alicia Keys singing "Empire State of Mind" so beautifully and I think of Lena Horne now eternally beautiful; her great contributions remain with us in spirit.  Thank you and Bless you Lena Horne.

Melissa Huckaby admits to murder of Sandra Cantu

Melissa Huckaby
Melissa Huckaby admitted to the murder of little 8-year-old Sandra Cantu today. If you recall Melissa Huckaby, she was the 28-year-old Tracy, California Sunday School teacher who was accused of Cantu's murder, but said she wasn't guilty. Well, today, Huckaby changed her story in exchange for a sentence of 25 years to life in jail.

Sandra Cantu was a friend of the daughter of Melissa Huckaby. Cantu was reported missing from her Tracy home March 28th, 2009. Her body was recovered in a suitcase left in an irrigation canal April 7, 2009.

That information alone is enough to make one cry.

Under the plea deal, all other charges were dropped.

When this blogger first heard the Melissa Huckaby story, the elements of it seemed to point to an insanity plea. In other words, a young female Sunday School teacher would have to be insane to do what Melissa was accused of doing.

Such a claim does not exonerate her for what she did. But when a single mother and Sunday School teacher goes off and does what she did to Sandra Cantu, and is said to possibly have been involved in another case, something has to be wrong with her.

Why? That's the unanswered question. What happened to cause Melissa Huckaby to go wrong?

That's a question we're addressing at Zennie62 Daily on USTREAM.TV, below:

Live Streaming by Ustream.TV

Giuseppi Logan son's video post by Suzannah B. Troy

As any of the good people following my blogs and YouTubes know I discovered Giuseppi Logan playing "Begin the Beguine" 2 years ago on a freezing cold day and I knew I captured something amazing. I ran home and I followed GL's instructions to research him on the internet. I immediately found a YouTube posted on ESP channel of a British film maker's showing Giuseppi Logan in the very same park, Tompkins Square Park in the East Village but from 1966. Giuseppi's son Jaee happily plays in the park with little girls as Giuseppi's original composition plays in the background. Peter Gershon, the publisher of "Signal to Noise" wrote a powerful piece on Giuseppi Logan "Out from the Shadow" and I was deeply moved by what Pete wrote about my contribution and my work in this exciting discovery... Giuseppi Logan was in fact a live. He had made 2 successful records in the 1960's before he vanished. Where did he vanish to? His demons got the better of him. More on that later. I have a poem in the park..."miss you, miss people, neighborhood, trees, NYC idiosyncrcasies" at the base of the fountain with the word "Hope" you will see in the video I am posting that was sent to me. Giuseppi Logan was standing just a foot away from my poem with the words "Hope" above my poem like a shining light. Who would know I would stand next to Jaee Logan 2 years later and Jaee will be talking to us about broken family trees...not only had Jaee Logan lost his Father but he has lost his only son to random gun violence. His son Jaee was shot 3 times in the back of the head. What you will see is Giuseppi Logan and his son Jaee reunited after 40 years thanks to my YouTubes. When Giuseppi self destructed Jaee's Mom took him to the west coast which is his home base. He has his Dad's musical gifts and the first time I conferenced called them as we talked -- Giuseppi would play music and it spoke to Jaee in a way I could not through is music. I was deeply moved. I have had to deal with the dark side of YouTube and blogger owned by Google and I have had to turn to the NYPD and lawyers but this is the best side of YouTube and Google. I call this a YouTube miracle and I am so honored to be part of it.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Lena Horne: ageless and seemingly immortal wonder passes

RIP Lena Horne. There are people and then there's Lena Horne. A major part of the Zeitgeist, Lena Horne is an actress that to this blogger seemed ageless and superhuman. A National Treasure.

The Washington Post's Adam Bernstein wrote that Lena Horne was the first black actress studios had to take seriously beyond her race. Well, the reason was simple: Lena Horne was so beautiful anyone who dared exclude her because she was black was considered psychotic. Lena Horne was the gold standard of beauty when I was growing up.

The very idea that Ms. Horne is no longer with us is so shocking I could not blog about it when I saw the news.

To understand why you have to see Lena Horne. This is Lena Horne singing "Stormy Weather":

This is Lena Horne singing "You'd Better Love Me" in 1967:

Lena Horne ushered in the era of what Harold Cruse would derisively call the "Black Bourgeoisie" in the classic The Crisis of The Negro Intellectual, and I point to because I long disliked that Cruse essentially sent a message that blacks should not want to pursue the American Dream.  

That was the 1960s: a time not just of civil rights breakthroughs, but of many questions of what it was to be black.  It formed the idea I have today: that being black is not what others say I should be or should do, but what I say I should be or should do as a person.  You have to deal with me, not the other way around.

Lena Horne's existence was a guide for me.

Lena Horne was the American Dream as reality. A perfect counterpoint to Cruse's claim that it "did nothing for the economic development" of blacks.

Lena Horne opened doors just by being Lena. Lena Horne made it OK for people like me to be who we are today.

Lena Horne appeared on Rosie O'Donnell's show in 1997, and to talk about helping entertainers who were in ill health, the singing legends she knew, and her 80th birthday bash.

God bless Lena Horne.