Yesterday, 99er Connie Kaplan delivered letters to the RNC, DNC and the White House, asking for their help passing a Tier 5 UI benefits bill. The letters she carried were written by several key leaders in the 99er movement. Cindy Paoletti, Rob Curtis, Scott Mathewson, LaDona King and Sandy Monroe, all members of the PalTalk room: Tier 5 to Survive -Unemployed Unite. Many 99ers have worked long and hard to break through to the media in order to get the attention of America on our plight. The collective 99er Nation have successfully moved Washington leaders from the position of "there will be no Tier 5 bill period" to having not 1 but 2 bill currently in Congress, awaiting their return in 2 weeks.
The following is the text of the 99ers' Letter to DNC:
Mr. Tim Kaine
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003
Delivered via Special Courier
Dear Mr. Kaine;The united 99er community now numbers over 4 million people, and we are growing rapidly each day. These are Americans who cannot find work through no fault of their own. The ruins that remain from what was once a robust American economy, have nothing to offer millions of American workers and their families.
The united 99er community realizes that no political party has been willing to step forward to help these American workers in our time of need. Our only ally to date has been the media. I am proud to point out that our friends in the media are dedicated in their national coverage of this issue. They have also been candid about the travesty of American leaders from both sides of
the isle, ignoring these American workers during this economic disaster.
Our party membership is frustrated to see our leaders sending billions of dollars to invest in other countries, to wreak devastating war overseas and bailing out big business. This toxic combination of investing in foreign countries while ignoring the home land is a disgraceful example of how American leadership is out of touch with reality. Perhaps a change of leadership is in order, though neither side has shown any real leadership for decades.
The united 99er community realizes that our most valuable asset is our ability to vote come this November. Millions 99ers and the families of 15 million unemployed can unite our collective vote to swing the upcoming election. For any one party to count upon our millions of votes based upon being the lesser of the evils, or to count upon our vote by blaming the other side will not be sufficient. The vote of the 99er community at large is up for grabs. Our community will show up in staggering numbers to vote this November for whichever party has the intelligence and foresight to step forward and help us first. In short, whomever wins our allegiance.
The 99er community formally requests the assistance of the DNC in influencing the Senate and House leadership to immediately pass legislation to help these suffering American workers! We want your help and in return, you get millions of votes. We would prefer to vote Democrat, but unless we can get the help we need from you, we will sit this one out in November (or should the Republicans help us first they will win our votes). Our families need help and we appeal to your party to do the right thing for American workers. Considering how many of our loved ones that are affected by this, it is safe to say each one of the 15 million unemployed could influence 2 or 3 or more votes from those around us who care deeply about this important issue. The 99ers have concluded thus far, neither party has had the courage to step forward and do the right thing to help these desperately hurting Americans and their families.
Our vote goes to the quickest bidder! Will your party come to the rescue of Americans who worked years to help build this country and our communities? We voted you in on the promise of CHANGE. Will the DNC step up during our time of need? Will you be the party that will intelligently sweep up millions of voters in one swoop, just weeks before the election? We are in the market for a party that will be patriotic and selfless enough to step forward and take us under their wing. Most important to you, we are a party that is invigorated and waiting at the gate to vote this November, if we have a reason to do so. Will it be the Democrats that we vote for or the Republicans? This is very much your call. The mid-term elections this November are a crap shoot and we can swing the odds in your favor.
I the undersigned representative for the 99er community will be in contact to follow up on this proposal. Feel free to contact me below.
Kindest regards,
Rob Curtis
Rep for The 99er Nation