Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Quran Burnings & Terry Jones: Why So Much Media Exposure? - by Davey D

Quran Burnings & Terry Jones: Why So Much Media Exposure?

So called Pastor Terry Jones is determined to burn copies of the Quran this Saturday, September 11th in Gainesville, Florida at his Dove Outreach Church. He’s doing this in spite receiving strong condemnations from some very power people like: Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton White House senior advisor David Axelrod and General David Petraeus who says such an act would put our troops in grave danger.

This is all probably true. Such an act would undoubtedly fuel the flames in War on Terror and further embolden outfits like Al Qaueda who would use Terry Jone’s action as a recruiting tool.
With all that being said, let’s be honest and let’s be clear:  Terry Jones is a small fry in all this. Nobody in their right mind cares about a two-bit preacher who has a congregation of 50 people. They could be the most fundamental amongst hardcore fundamentalist and Terry Jones would not be on their radar except for one small detail, he and his proposed actions are and will not be viewed in a vacuum.
Far too many of us here in the US sees things from the lens of individualism. For many of us we have long written Terry Jones off as just one ‘nutcase’ from Florida. However, the rest of the world sees him as the tip of the iceberg of loud and raucous protests against buildings a Mosque near Ground Zero.

The rest of the world sees Terry Jones alongside sitting Senators like Harry Reid and sitting Congressman like Peter King who have all but told Muslim-Americans that the constitutional amendment that grants freedom of religion really doesn’t apply to them.
While many Americans see Terry Jones a lone wolf, the rest of the world sees him as part of the loud chorus of American citizens to the tune of 20% who mistakenly believe that President Obama is a Muslim us collectively saying there’s something wrong if he was.

Why has Pastor Terry Jones has been granted a world wide audience by mainstream media to spew his hatred for Islam
Terry Jones epitomizes the strong anti-muslim sentiment that has been allowed to be seen and heard all over the world, coming from loud, cantankerous anti-muslim pundits who are backed by large media conglomerates and given a global platform to speak hate and intolerance in our name.
Terry Jones is a problem only because mainstream news outlets decided to give him air time and blow him up. They made him the problem. They decided to show him acting a fool versus showing the thousands of instances where American Christians and American muslims, work, eat, play and build with each other everyday. Unfortunately us getting along is a boring narrative as far as mainstream media is concerned.
In spite dwindling resources and shrinking budgets, many news outlets have already found ways to fly reporters down to Florida, pay for hotels and equipment and have folks staked out to watch Doves Outreach Church like hawks. From Matt Lauer of theToday Show on down to the right-wing agitators at Fox News, all of them have been gleeful as they wait for the first Quran to burn..Thats when it’ll be on. That’s when the TV ratings are anticipated to rise..

For those who don’t know, our news media seems to thrive on crisis and chaos. So if our troops suffer any harmful repercussions because a knucklehead Pastor in Florida burns a Quran, don’t just blame him, blame the mainstream outlets for making him a story too big to ignore and showing his foolishness sans true balance and countering images.
I recall the painful days and weeks after 9-11, when those of us in media, if we dared not carry the party line advocated by former President George Bush and spoke out against his call to fight a War on Terror, you paid a price. Many of us including myself and TV host Bill Maher lost our jobs. Others got death threats. For the most part much of the media fell in line and didn’t vary to far from the script that eventually led us into war.
During the weeks after 9-11, I recall watching a TV show called Like It Is which airs in NY where host Gil Noble had some Black preachers on who talked about their 9-11 experiences and thoughts. It was refreshing and counter to the constant arguments justifying our aggressive behavior. It was noted that their voices had been shut out and that many did not believe we should go to war.
A local preacher and former San Francisco supervisor here in the Bay Area namedAmos Brown was vilified and shut down when he asked the question publicly, ‘What is it about our foreign policy that we need to look at and perhaps change that led to the 9-11 attacks’?
Brown had his name drugged through the coals. They said he was being insensitive and stirring up a hornets nest and even inviting more attacks.
I recall hearing him go on a local ABC affiliate KGO to explain his remarks to host Ron Owens . Brown was not allowed to elaborate on any of the answers he gave to Owen’s one-sided questions. If i recall Owens actually said it was against his better judgement to bring Brown on the air and that he would not allow his radio show to be used as a platform to spew remarks he considered insensitive and divisive. Owens went on and on about how America had come together in the wake of 9-11 and there was no room for remarks like Brown's.
The former supervisor tried in vain to explain that as a Baptist Preacher the tradition is to always ask what you could learn from and what role you may have played in any mishap. Owens kept cutting him off and finally let him go. Brown was not allowed to fully explain himself as he bore the full brunt of a media shut down. Where’s the media shut down with this so-called Pastor Terry Jones? Brown made remarks at a funeral.. Jones wants to burn Qurans even though we had Muslim victims on 9-11..

Rev Jesse Jackson was shut down by both the government and our media when he attempted to broker peace around 9-11. Why is Pastor Jones allowed a platform to broker war? credit: Eric Guo
I recall doing an interview with Jesse Jackson a few days before we launched our attack on the Taliban when he got a phone call from when then Secretary of State Colin Powell. It happened right in the middle of our interview. Jesse had to drop our call to talk to Powell.

When we resumed, Jesse noted that he was asked to fall back with his anti-war remarks and abandon his proposed actions. Jesse wanted to do something dramatic that would bring attention and hopefully result in Peace and Healing. If memory serves me correctly I think he actually wanted to go and speak with the heads of the Taliban.

The Bush administration wasn’t trying to hear that and Jesse was shut down cut off from most of the media.
Pastor Jones is teaching us a lot in the days leading up to his protest. He’s exposing the blatant hypocrisy within many sectors of our media. He’s also exposing the timidness within many sectors of our government.

Of course a guy like Pastor Terry should be condemned, but where’s the chin checking of all those news outlets who time and time again with sensational, over-the-top coverage have painted America as being this intolerant country when it comes to Muslims?
If Bush could ban media pictures of dead coffins returning because it would be harmful in demoralizing the troops, maybe we should ban media outlets from showing any Qurans burning. After all aren’t we trying to protect our troops? Is this not about national security? This question is being asked not to have a fast and hard policy where the government comes in enacts censorship but instead to make sure we are not giving lip service to the brave men and women we say on the battle field who we say we wanna protect.. Are we trying to unite or trying to divide?
Something to ponder
written by Davey D

U-Cubed bites back for Unemployed Americans

U-Cubed (Union for the Unemployed) bites back for Unemployed Americans, with a new YouTube video encouraging Americans to VOTE. Union for the Unemployed (U-Cubed) was launched this past spring and has over 3,000 listed members. It is free to join and membership is growing daily.

This June, in testimony submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, the Union of Unemployed urged representatives to examine a jobs program that was created by the unemployed themselves.

U-Cubed 21-step emergency action plan for reversing the U.S. jobs crisis
Their plan is called Hire US, America and is based on the fundamental principal that the only real solution to addressing the long-term unemployment issue is for the government to do what the private sector cannot: put millions of Americans back to work immediately.

"U-Cubed leaders and jobs activists participated in an online survey where they submitted, vetted and revised various policy suggestions for helping to address the long-term unemployment issue," said Rick Sloan.  "Their insights deserve our respect and their ideas deserve our attention."

Rick Sloan is the Acting Executive Director of U-Cubed, Union of Unemployed, and has been the IAM Communications Director since 2000. Before joining the Machinists Union, he ran Challenge America, Inc., a union-focused public affairs firm, for fifteen years. 

Sloan has served as the Administrative Assistant to Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI) and the late Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum (D-OH). His book, The Gift of Strategy, and his blogs on Huffington Post have prodded Democrats to fight harder for blue collar worker and the unemployed.

Tell your personal story:
U-Cubed is also giving members an opportunity to share their stories about what it’s like trying to get by in the midst of the toughest economic recession in more than 70 years. Members can share their stories

You can join U-Cubed free here

Follow them on Twitter:


Mos Def: Hip Hop's Renaissance Man - by Davey D

If there was ever a Renaissance man within Hip Hop it would no doubt be Mos Def. Here’s a man who does it all. He’s an incredible rapper, one of the best to come along in the past 10-15 years. He’s a talented singer who’s left his mark with songs ‘Umi Says’ off the ‘Black on Both Sides’ album which pays homage to his mother and ‘Kalifornia’ off the Torque soundtrack.

Mos Def is an Emmy nominated, award winning talented actor who has done a stellar job in flicks like ‘Brown Sugar’, ‘The Woodsman’ and ‘Something the Lord Made’. He set to star opposite Don Cheadle and Wesly Snipes in the movie Toussaint which is a film about the Haitian revolution.

You name it Mos Def does it…We wont even talk about his activism and the numerous causes he’s shown support and been involved in. His most recent venture occurred this past Labor Day weekend, when he teamed up with NASA and the ISIS (Instituting Science in Schools) education project and astronaut Leland Melvin to promote the importance of science, engineering, technology and the importance of exploration.

200o people came out to Oakland's Chabot Space Center to see Mos Def & astronaught Leland Melvin in a 3 D Hologram
Mos and Leland Melvin using a new 3D hologram projection appeared at science festivals in both Oakland, California and Orlando, Florida where they stood side by side and delivered their inspiring messages. More than 2000 people showed up at Chabot Observatory in Oakland to peep Mos Def in 3D. Judging from the loud applause and brief conversations with many of the young attendees, he did not disappoint.
Such accomplishments have only added to Mos Def’s appeal and underscored why he can come to a place like the Bay Area stay an an entire week, do sold out shows in both big and small venues. He did this the other night at Oakland’s New Parrish when he and his partner Talib Kweli resurrected their landmark group Black Star and rocked two shows along with comedian Dave Chappelle.
Two nights later Mos Def showed up as a solo act at San Francisco’s Independent nightclub on 628 Divisadero. And just like the New Parrish this venue sold out with less than a day’s notice.

Mos Def kicked off his set at SF Independent w/ the song 'Kalifornia'
Always a man for the people Mos Def who’s government name Dante Terrell Smith took the crowd to new heights when he brought out surprise guest Talib Kweli. Dave Chappelle was backstage chilling and watching the show. The fact that a man of his stature was there to enjoy the performance and was under no pressure to come on stage and ‘cheese’ for the audience, went to show you just how dope and respected is the man we call Mos Def.
What I like most about Mos is his willingness to give a full 100% in anything he does. A lot of artist should take a page from his book. When you come to town, park yourself there for minute and make yourself accessible to the fans. Do more than one show. Record a few tracks with the local artists and like Mos, give a different performance with each show. Give the audience what they’ve come to know and like you for, but at the same time you push the musical boundaries and give them something new.

Happy Rosh Hashanah : President Obama's Wish, Stephen Hawking's Error

President Obama is joined by this blogger in wishing you a Happy Rosh Hashanah. Here's Obama's video from yesterday:

Prof. Stephen Hawking

Come to think of it, since Stephen Hawking elected to introduce his book The Grand Design and declare that God did not create the Universe, it's fair to say that for him, Rosh Hashanah's not good, eh?

You'd think Hawking would show some respect for Jews by not releasing his book just a day before Rosh Hashanah, right? Talk about flunking his performance review. Geesh.

This blogger still can't understand why Stephen Hawking would write a book trying to debunk the existence of God, but not The Devil. Makes you wonder if his book itself's the Work of The Devil.

From this vantage point, Stephen Hawking looks just like the religious zealots he and his fans rightly criticize. Two sides of the same coin.

I prefer the edge. It rolls, if you know what I mean.

Happy Rosh Hashanah

Stephen Hawking, This Blogger Chooses To Have Faith In God

Stephen Hawking, the famed British theoretical physicist and cosmologist from the University of Cambridge, is considered to be a very bright person. If that's the case, why would Hawking make the terrible error of seeking to explain away the existence of God? Hawking apparently forgot that believing in God is an act of faith. In fact, not believing in God is also an act of faith.

Prof. Stephen Hawking

In his new book The Grand Design, Hawking is said to have established an idea called "m-theory," which basically explains that the universe sprang from nothing. That's a very neat place to start if one wants to say God doesn't exist. This blogger doesn't believe it.

There's no reason to write a long tome of an explanation for something I already figured out at 15 years old and while arguing Evolution versus Creation with my good, long time friend Craig Pryor while we were at Bret Harte Junior High in Oakland. That is, what you believe is what you chose to believe, and over time, you shape your intellect to fit your belief system.

Stephen Hawking apparently forgot that, because The Grand Design does not in detail lay out what his psychological reasons are for what he choses to believe and how those reasons evolved over his life.

Indeed, one paragraph does give an indication of something I suspected when this news of Hawking's claim was first brought to my attention: that Stephen Hawking has a God Complex. Hawking writes:

Thus our presence selects out from this vast array only those universes that are compatible with our existence. Although we are puny and insignificant on the scale of the cosmos, this makes us in a sense the lords of creation.

See? In other words, it's vitally important to Hawking that we have some kind of look of a God. Being God is not a role I prize one bit.   To have faith that I'm the center of all things is narcissistic.   I believe in God.

I chose to believe in God and that rather than nothing, it was God who created the universe. What's nothing for Hawking is God for me.

There's nothing to argue about.

Which leads to my next point.

It's really stupid for people to argue about the existence of God. It's all about faith and choice. The proponents of Hawking's m-theory are no different than the religious zealots they claim to fear. The old saw holds: be careful who you chose as your enemy, for you may look just like them.

I Believe In Santa Claus

In closing, long ago I elected to continue to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Unicorns. I believe in God and in the existence of The Devil. In fact, that Hawking forgets or perhaps elects to avoid any mention of The Devil indicates that The Grand Design just may be the work of The Devil.

I hope this blog posts causes Hawking believers to get angry and pissed, pound their fists, cry and whine, yell and scream, and just plain bust a gut, because in so doing, they will look just like the religious crazies they make fun of. And they will have made my point in the process. You can't win.

I chose to have faith in God. God Bless you, Stephen Hawking.

Event: Jog For Jill San Francisco Run September 12th Golden Gate Park

Cal Women's Rowing Team member Jill Costello passed away from complications due to lung cancer on June 24th 2010 and at the age of 21. A San Francisco event and run called Jog For Jill has been established and will be held this Sunday, September 12th at 5 PM.

Two members of the Cal Women's Crew team were at the Cal vs. Davis football game wearing Jog For Jill shirts, and were kind enough to provide the video interview above.

Below are the other details from the event website, where you're encouraged to pre-register here CLICK FOR SITE:

Pre-Registration: Online/$25
Day of Registration: 4:00 p.m./$30
Shotgun Start: 5:00 p.m.
After run/walk celebration: 6:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.

Event Location:
Golden Gate Park
Music Concourse Bandshell
S Tea Garden Drive
San Francisco, California 94118

Participants are encouraged to pre-register. Only pre-registered participants will be guaranteed a walk/run T-shirt. T-shirts will be limited to the first 2500 day of registrants.

On Sunday, go out and Jog for Jill!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Oakland Mayor's Race: Perata Out Of League of Women Voters Forum

An update to an earlier post. Former State Senator Don Perata's Campaign Representative Rhys Williams confirms that the mayoral candidate will not attend the September 23rd League of Women Voters Forum.

The forum, that the Oakland Chamber of Commerce and other business groups approached the League Of Women Voters to do, has what can be described as a bizantine set of criteria designed to exclude certain candidates.

Don Perata will not attend LWV Forum 
It's a format the Oakland League of Women Voters did not want to do, but for some reason elected to go ahead with, even though the "League" warned the business group representatives that it would be perceived negatively.

Don Perata has rightly taken the position that he would not attend any forum that excludes mayoral candidates.

There's another forum planned for the same evening that is open to all candidates. The League should jettison it's plans for a September 23rd Forum.

Stay tuned.

Mayor Daley Will Not Run: Chicago Without Daley? Unthinkable

Mayor Daley 
Wow. Mayor Richard J. Daley Jr., is done? Chicago without Daley is unthinkable. For 35 of my 48 years on Earth, Chicago has been ran by a Daley. After Richard M. Daley steps down, no longer.

When this blogger was born on August 4th 1962, Chicago's Mayor was Richard J. Daley. He had already served as Mayor since 1955. In Mayor Daley Senior's Chicago, the subway expansion effectively connected the Northside and the Southside, a new McCormick Place Convention Center rose to replace the one that burned down, and a city that once called itself The Second City, slowly started to think of itself as first.

When Daley Sr. passed of a heart attack in 1974, it seemed as if Chicago itself stopped working. There was the disaster that was Janye Byrne's time as Mayor. And before that, there was Michael Bilandic, who's inability to deal with a massive snow storm cost him the 1978 election.

The one bright spot between the Daleys, Mayor Harold Washington, Chicago's first black Mayor, passed of a heart attack in 1987. Then Daley Jr. ran for election in 1989, and served for 20 years.

Over that span of time, Mayor Daley oversaw the transformation of my hometown from a manufacturing city to a service city, with the North Loop developed into a major site of small boutique firms and hip restaurants.

Chicago completed its long standing, ambitious plan to redevelop the lakefront. And Chicago became a city to be in, rather than a city to pass through.

Yes, it has it's crime problems. But overall, the Chicago of today is better than the Chicago of 20 years ago. Much of that credit has to go to "Richy Jr."

ESPN's Adam Schefter Says Tom Brady Contract Rumor Is Wrong

Adam Schefter
ESPN's Adam Schefter, who correctly tweeted that ESPN's Tim Cowlishaw was wrong about the timing of the signing of Darelle Rivas, scores again today.

On Twitter, Schefter reported that The Boston Herald's claim that Tom Brady was very close to signing to a three-year contract extension with the New England Patriots reportedly for $58 million, was wrong.

Adam Schefter tweeted:

Aware of Brady-contract talk. But two knowledgeable people say reports of deal being in place are "inaccurate" and "wrong". We'll see.    about 7 hours ago via web     Retweeted by 30 people

In an update at, Adam was reported to have said that a Tom Brady contract would be done in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned.

Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S for T-Mobile An iPhone Killer

This blogger was eligible for a T-Mobile upgrade and purchased the new Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S. Now, as a former iPhone owner, the Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S looks and feels so much like an iPhone, there's no longer a desire to have one.

I really hate AT&T for how they unethically handled my billing situation when I had an iPhone (charging a constant monthly rate of $1,033.36, admitting it was wrong, then trying to reverse the admission). So, owning the Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S and blogging happily about it and T-Mobile is sweet revenge.

What I like about the Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S that I didn't like about my iPhone at the time was how the iPhone would accidentally come on with just the right brush of the front cover. Not so the Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S.

I also like its super-bright display and video. I'm having issues uploading large files to YouTube, but that will be resolved soon.

I highly recommend the Samsung Vibrant Galaxy-S.

Oakland Mayor's Race: League of Women Voters Unethical Forum

The latest news in the Oakland Mayor's Race has the Oakland League of Women Voters still sticking to it's decision to exclude Oakland Mayoral Candidates from its September 23rd forum and for a booya-boogie list of reasons explained before in this space. This, after the Sierra Club opened its previously restricted forum to all candidates.

The lack of Oakland League of Women Voters cooperation to open its September 23rd Forum leads this blogger to ask if the LVW is being paid off by certain elements of the Oakland Business Community, specifically, the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, not to have an open forum?

Given my conversations with a number of people, payoff can come in different forms, like forum sponsorship.

Since I was told that the League Of Women Voters was approached by the Oakland Chamber of Commerce to have a restrictive forum, it's fair to assert that for all practical purposes a payoff was in play. Otherwise, the LVW would have said "no" to the Oakland Chamber's desires, and had an open forum. The Oakland LWV knows the risks at hand in having a closed, or "fixed" forum, yet they're going to do it anyway!

Fixed? Yes. Anytime you have a set of rules designed to exclude candidates, that's the same as "fixing" the forum. I said the "grassroots" effort to get more donations wasn't going to work, and here's my proof in this email from Oakland Mayor's Race candidate Don Macleay:

The LOWV should open their event to all candidates

Dear League of Women Voters, Oakland Branch,

I am writing with concern about the event you have planned for Sept 23rd.
My concern is about the “viability” standards I have received as a requirement to participate as a candidate in this event.

It is my firmly held belief that all ballot qualified candidates should be allowed to participate.

If you do not believe that so many people should be on the ballot, then just say so and advocate a change in the city charter.

We did not respond to your “qualification test” because we do not feel that there should be any other criteria than that of the City of Oakland.

It was my understanding that the Oakland branch of the League of Women Voters had the missions of INCLUDING and INFORMING the public away from our money dominated, media advertizing politics. The “viability” standards seem to be based only on media, money, and existing political connections. Do you now want to make sure that some people get exposure and others do not? It does not really matter what your intention is, that will be the effect. Now one place where all candidates were to be given a chance to make their case in front of the public and see their message distributed by the broadcast media has become one more place where the citizen candidate has been excluded.

The current press coverage is already strongly biased towards a pay-to-play model of politics which creates a self fulfilling prophecy of who is viable. The public is poorly served by the press which has done nothing to inform the public of their choices in this election. Why has the Oakland branch of the League of Women Voters become part of that process that does not fully inform the public?

Other events have taken place and other people have found ways to deal with the large number of candidates. In our modern media age, I think you could find a way to deal with this as others have.

What in effect will happen is that you will end up holding an event that tells the public:
There are people you are allowed to vote for and all the others are not viable.

Is that really the mission the League of Women Voters has now?

So I ask you to reconsider.

Don Macleay

Green Party Candidate for Mayor of Oakland, 2010
510 866-7488

P.S. We have received “consolation prize” invitations to at least one other Oakland branch of the League of Women Voters sponsored events.
This does not address the issue I raise here and I wonder who is served by these second string events.

Former State Senator Don Perata has said he would not attend a forum that excludes the other candidates. Thus, he should not attend the Oakland League Of Women Voters Forum.

Reggie Bush Scandal Poll - What's Tony Bruno's Take At Comcast Sports?

The Reggie Bush Scandal Poll is up and active. Right now, most voters, not a lot but the numbers are climbing, think former USC and now New Orleans Saints Running Back Reggie Bush should give back The Heisman Trophy.

This blogger think he should give it back and then sue USC. Another person thinks he should sell it on eBay!)

But what does Tony Bruno, seen here at the Playboy Mansion, think?

Tony Bruno's bringing his famous hard-edged, buzz-saw take to Comcast Sports Bay Area starting September 12th on The Sunday Night Rap with Gary Radnich, billed as "the most popular and most recognized sports television and radio personality in Northern California." (Oh, oh. Someone call Jerry Rice about that one!)

Tony Bruno has been jousting with Gary Radnich since 1995. Now, this Sunday, they're going to be on The Sunday Night Rap talking about The Reggie Bush Scandal and these poll results.

What say you about the Reggie Bush Scandal?

Take my poll:

create a free poll on