Thursday, August 28, 2008

Code Pink Elderly Woman Protester Slammed To Ground By Denver Police

This is a totally terrible thing to see on a video, let alone read about. An elderly woman protester was slammed to the ground at the DNC Convention by Denver Police. (Or I would double check that because some of the law enforcement officers were from places like Aurora, Colorado.)

There's no need for this behavior at the DNC Convention and some kind of investigation should be done immediately. See the video, which was captured by Rocky Mountain News.

Zennie Abraham at DNC Convention On CNN iReport After Biden Speech

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Anti-Surprise

All day, we had been hearing rumors that Barack Obama would make an appearance at the convention tonight. So when he strolled out onto the stage, I can't say I was really surprised. Please, thrilled, excited, yes. Surprised? No.

The excitement and energy of Obama's appearance was exactly what this convention night needed, though. While Bill Clinton and John Kerry made very good speeches tonight and the overall energy in the hall was good, the Biden speech was a bit of a low point. Yes, he was strong on the issues, but he sort of lost the crowd when he went into foreign policy territory, only regaining them when he started doing what VPs are supposed to do: hit at the other candidate. The end of his speech did not create the sort of raucous convention hall environment that we certainly saw last night. Having Obama arrive, however, put the mildly energetic crowd into a frenzy and left everyone nigh foaming at the mouth for tomorrow night. Invesco should be a roaring good time.

DNC Convention - Joe Biden

DNC Convention - John Kerry

This floor is packed. Senator Kerry is speaking

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Hillary Clinton Suspended Voting; Nominated Barack Obama President - Video

This is a live capture video of Senator Hillary Clinton's dramatic entrance into the convention floor and with Representative Charlie Rangel and Governor David Patterson. The state-by-state voting was suspended and Senator Barack Obama is now officially the Democratic Nominee for President of The United States.

New Hampshire and New Jersey follow Clinton's call

The New Hampshire chair stood up and said that they were following Clinton's call and casting all of their 30 votes for Obama.

New Jersey stood up next and unanimously cast all of their votes for Obama to huge, raucous cheers in the hall. Z's gonna vlog on this ... watch for it.