Wednesday, October 08, 2008

McCain's Mortgage Hail Mary May Alienate His Base

At last night’s second presidential debate, John McCain made what will surely be regarded as his umpteenth Hail Mary throw. In response to a question from an audience member regarding ways the federal government can bail people out of “economic ruin,” McCain said this:

I would order the Secretary of the Treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value of those homes – at the diminished value of those homes and let people be able to make those – be able to make those payments and stay in their homes.

Aside from the fact that McCain’s sudden epiphany is already part of the bailout package, McCain’s attempt, less than four weeks before the election, to transform himself from the champion of laissez faire economics to the great patron saint of government intervention into private markets, may backfire.

Surely this comment was tailor made for battleground states like Michigan and Florida, which have been disproportionately hit by the foreclosure crisis. If voters in those states who are struggling to make their mortgage payments are fooled into believing this was actually McCain’s idea, they may decide to vote for McCain. However, the reverse may also be true of his core constituency. Republicans are generally not in favor of government welfare programs, and this can be easily construed as such a program. Interpreted through the lens of McCain’s base, McCain is effectively saying “sure, I know you were foolish enough to buy a home you couldn’t possibly afford, but rather than allow you to suffer the consequences of your own fiscal stupidity, I’m going to take Joe Six-Pack’s tax money and give it to you, to save you from your own ignorance.”

Some voters, both republican and democrat, dislike the idea that the government is going to reward the foolhardy financial decisions of people who bought a house they should have known they couldn’t afford, effectively shifting the burden from those people to the responsible Americans who budget properly. After all, don’t Republican pundits label this as socialism – taking money from responsible taxpayers and “redistributing it” to people who make unwise financial decisions? By attempting to claim this idea as his own, McCain risks being inexorably linked to it, making his base view him as the one trying to play the part of Robin Hood. Thus, even if McCain’s latest Hail Mary (probably more accurately described as an interception attempt) wins him some votes from distressed homeowners in battleground states, those votes could come at the expense not only of support from his Party, but also of other potential votes both in those states and in Republican strongholds. In short, with this Hail Mary, McCain risks alienating his base at a time he can ill afford to do so.

Rob J
Cross-posted to Opinion Streams.

Obama Aide Robert Gibbs Goes After Sean Hannity For Anti-Semite Guest

Yeah for Robert Gibbs.  The top Obama Aide confronted the ever-irritating Sean Hannity over his hosting of an Anti-Semite guest Andy Martin as Sean was trying to make the stupid McCain-supporting Ayers connection that really has no basis in reality.  

It's too bad Gibbs didn't know about the White Supremacist friend Hal Turner Sean has had on his show, too.

Is McCain's Handshake Refusal Racism Toward Obama?

This is the supposed snub, but really I don't think so in looking at this again. Senator McCain tapped Senator Obama on the shoulder to turn him to say "hi" to Cindy McCain, but the way both of the McCain's handled the moment was clumsy and even then revealed a disdain that could be seen as a kind of racism.  

I don't like how McCain's running his campaign and he's trying to rip America apart.

Obama - McCain - Obama Will Win; The Economic Problem Is Why

This video was created just before the debate, but my prediction seems to have held and for the reasons I state here.

This American Economy is in trouble. It's in bad straights for three basic reasons:

1) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate topped out 10 years ago and then decreased and continued to do so through to present day. What that means is that more and more people basically stopped looking for jobs and working at jobs than ever before for the first time.

2) The total rate of job growth started to increase at a rapidly smaller rate in the late 1990s and that continues today. You can see the BLS data I collected right on the video. We added about 20 million jobs each decade from the 60s to the 90s, but again in 1999, the job growth party stopped cold. We added just barely 5 million jobs in ten years, that's a drop of 75 percent over what we've produced in the past.

3) During the period of the job losses and labor force participation problems consumer credit shot to rapid rates of annual increase starting just before the turn of the 21st Century. What that means is as we were losing our capacity to produce jobs, we were relying on the credit system to essentially make up for the lack of job growth we experienced in the past.

That's why we're in trouble now. Job losses due to the increased number of competitive market economies -- not the sub-prime mortgage issue -- is the real problem and its been years in the making. 

We have to fundamentally alter our economy and the current proposals and the Bailout Bill are only a start of getting at the problem -- but they don't impact this combination of forces that basically creates constant job loss and part of that is the overall International Division of Labor, where cheap workers overseas do jobs that were once located here.

There's an answer, and it's in something I call Zennie's Plan. Stay tuned.

On CNN IReport -- click here

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

How closely is McCain tied to Wall Street?

Only 84 of the 177 lobbyists on his campaign staff have ties to the financial industry. Why's everybody so worked up about lobbyists anyway? Are they good at exerting influence...? Oh. Well, maybe they can at least scare up some money to pay for the mortgage buyout McCain adopted for tonight's debate? It's clearly not cheap. Meanwhile, if we can't let the government fix health care, or regulate banks, how's McCain figure bureaucrats will handle millions of mortages in any timely way?

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McCain-Palin Rally in Anchorage: A Whole Lotta Empty Chairs

Once again, there were dueling rallies here in Anchorage. The McCain-Palin rally was held in the just-completed Dena'ina Convention Center in downtown Anchorage. The Obama rally was held outside, just a couple blocks away, at the Delaney Park Strip.

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Michael Moore on Slacker Uprising’s Piracy ‘Problem’

Michael Moore decided to give away his latest film ‘Slacker Uprising’ for free, but only to people in the US and Canada. However, since he chose to use BitTorrent, and open trackers such as The Pirate Bay, it was fairly easy for the rest of the world to download it as well. Was this done on purpose? Moore responds.

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John McCain's Domestic Terrorism Problem (new video)

If John McCain wants to make this campaign about domestic terrorism, he'd do well to remember that in the early 1990s, he voted against cracking down on domestic terrorists who targeted abortion clinics. Twice.

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McCain's Desperate Claim: Obama is Dangerous.Vote for Me!

The McCain campaign is all set to roll out its message for the last 30 days of the campaign: "We may not be good for your bank account, your mortgage, your health care, or your job security -- but none of that will matter if you are dead. John McCain: If You Want to Live."

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Clinton goes to bat for Obama and party

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton has raised more than $8 million for former rival Barack Obama's presidential campaign since July and plans to barnstorm the country for even more cash, as the New York senator works to show she is aggressively helping the candidate who cut short her White House bid. "I am using every tool that I have to help Democrat

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McCain linked to private group in Iran-Contra case (AP)

McCain supported the shadowy group that secretly sold arms to the terrorists and ayatollahs in Iran in the 1980s and illegally funneled the proceeds to the Contras in Nicaragua. The Iranians kept kidnapping US citizens in the Middle East, but this group kept selling them arms anyway.

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How To Pay Off $14,330 In 20 Months

Stuck in a $14,300 debt hole, reader Trixare4kids was able to dig herself out using tips she learned about on Let's learn how she attacked her personal finances and learned to live frugally, and did it all in just 20 months. "As of today I am debt free...My spirit feels lighter. I am free. I am doing a happy dance."

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