Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin Claims Vice President "In Charge Of The U.S. Senate"

Yesterday, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) sat for an interview with KUSA, an NBC affiliate in Colorado. In response to a question sent to the network by a third grader at a local elementary school "What does the Vice President do?", Palin erroneously argued that the Vice President is "in charge of the United States Senate". Reporter asked her...

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Top Ten Videos in Women's Rights

The following ten videos represent various segments and voices of the women's rights movement. These visualizations of the movement by the young, the old, the male, the female, the famous and not-so-famous, the vocal and silent all contribute to the greater quest for justice and equality everywhere in a way that is often more powerful than......

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UFO Files Reveal Attempt to Shoot Down a UFO

The British National Archives has opened its UFO files to the public. The online document, consisting of thousands of pages, is full of UFO data and information collected by the British military and includes several first-hand accounts, including those of two pilots who claim they were ordered to open fire at a UFO.

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Why It’s A Bad Time To Buy A Blog But A Great Time To Sell

Without doubt Blogs have been the flavour of the month for quite some time now (should it be called flavour of the year?) and I have paid close attention to the marketplaces. However, I’ve yet to see a blog which was worth buying. Don’t get me wrong, there have been some great blogs for sale but they have all in my opinion, been greatly overpriced.

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Lance Armstrong Will Race in Tour '09 If He Feels Welcomed

Lance Armstrong could still race in the 2009 Tour de France, as long as race organizers make him feel welcome, Astana team director Johan Bruyneel said Tuesday.

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Emissions from burping cows 'higher than family car'

A herd of cows belches out more climate-changing gas than a family car, a university researcher said today.

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Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds court on earnings day

The rare appearance by the Apple CEO produces a few more pithy quotes than you would usually hear on an earnings call. Here are a few...

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