Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Republicans Unnecessarily Politicize Spending Bill

Jon Kyl of Arizona, the No. 2 Republican in the Senate, pushed for an amendment barring any money for relocating refugees from Gaza to the United States. Not that the bill ever designated any money for that purpose. Mr. Kyl just wanted to be extra sure and, in doing so, to force Democrats to take a politically charged vote.

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Tiahrt, Huelskamp Oppose Sebelius Nomination

Kansas Congressman Todd Tiahrt and State Senator (and candidate for the KS-01) have both released statements critical of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius's nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary. Why? They both call Sebelius an "abortion extremist."

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RNC Fights Over Dwindling Funds

Republican infighting escalated Monday with allegations and denials over $4 million once destined for the party’s congressional campaign committees.Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele sought to placate critics by giving $1 million to each of his party’s debt-ridden campaign committees...

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How to Delete Any Online Account

Canceling accounts you've created on the Web isn't always easy. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to ditch social networks, online retailers, blogging services, and more.

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15 Percent of Americans Have No Religion

The percentage of Americans who call themselves Christians has dropped dramatically over the past two decades, and those who do are increasingly identifying themselves without traditional denomination labels, according to a major study of U.S. religion being released today.

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Hillary Clinton comes to Europe, Brings the Stupid

Hillary Clinton raised eyebrows on her first visit to Europe as secretary of state when she mispronounced her EU counterparts' names and claimed U.S. democracy was older than Europe's.Clinton added: "I have never understood multiparty democracy."

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Don’t Rely on Bush’s Signing Statements, Obama Says

Mr. Bush broke all records, using signing statements to challenge about (!!!) 1,200 bill sections over his eight years in office — about TWICE the number challenged by ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED, according to data compiled by Christopher Kelley, a political science professor - Investigate, prosecute and IMPRISON Bush, Cheney, Rove and others

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McCain's Daughter: Ann Coulter Is a Trainwreck

Meghan McCain ripped Coulter for being "a train wreck" and called her the "biggest culprit" when it comes to perpetuating the negative stereotype of Republicans in her most recent blog post for the Daily Beast.

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Kim wins re-election with 99.9% of the vote

In other news, 0.1% of North Koreans put into labor camps.

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iPhone: Renegade app store opens but Apple wants to kill it

Yes, Apple's App Store carries great stuff for your iPhone. But some of the best applications Apple banned from the App Store are now found at an unauthorized store, called Cydia. But Apple is already prepping to send its legal sharks after The Cydia Store by leveraging DCMA in order to push jailbreaking into illegal territory.

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Monday, March 09, 2009

White House Budget Director Peter Orszag on Blogging

From The White House:

Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag discusses the value of blogs and plans for his own blog at http://www.OMB.gov

I'm glad to see the White House embrace blogging but I think bloggers should be on the press contact list.

President Barack Obama - 3/7/09: Your Weekly Address

From The Whitehouse:

President Obama capped off a busy week in Washington remarking on new lending guidelines aimed at lowering mortgage payments; an initiative to generate funds for small business and college loans; the release of his administration's first budget which includes $2T in deficit reduction; and the start of long overdue health care reform